The College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences is the largest and most diverse college at University of Idaho. CLASS degrees make students successful in any profession by focusing on the skills and experiences that employers want – critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork, leadership, communication and real-world experience. The CLASS faculty are nationally recognized researchers, scholars and artists that are leading the research and creative works in their respective fields. Through its diverse offerings, CLASS faculty also teach a majority of the general education required classes to the entire student body. CLASS is proud to offer 47 customizable degrees, including seven fully online degrees, that can turn a student’s passions into their career.

Planning to help
JAMM students help Moscow School District

Seeking justice
CLASS students study abroad in Chile

The air up there
Exploring the cultural significance of Idaho fire lookouts

Family matters
Grad defines her path of service

Trailer park transitions
"The Vandal Theory" interviews Leontina Hormel

Strong foundation
Helping new Vandal Family members

Professor brings mindfulness home
First-generation psychology professor shares mindfulness practices with community

The show must go on
Theatre student learns computer coding to help create solutions

A place of peace
Grad student attends peace seminar in Hiroshima
College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences
Physical Address:
112 Administration Bldg
851 Campus Drive
Mailing Address:
College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3154
Moscow, ID 83844-3154
College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences
Physical Address:
112 Administration Bldg
851 Campus Drive
Mailing Address:
College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3154
Moscow, ID 83844-3154
College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences
Physical Address:
112 Administration Bldg
851 Campus Drive
Mailing Address:
College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3154
Moscow, ID 83844-3154