Our People
Brian Dulin
Program Coordinator
115 Brink Hall
Vandal Gateway Program
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1105
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1105
- M.A. Public Administration
- B.A. Social Work
- INTR 101: Gateway Scholars
- INTR 204: Transforming Your Future
Dusty Fleener
Academic Advisor, Instructor
117 Brink Hall
Vandal Gateway Program
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1105
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1105
- M.A. Cultural Anthropology, University of Idaho, 2016
- B.A. Anthropology and English, University of Idaho, 2010
- INTR 101: Gateway Scholars
- INTR 204: Transforming Your Future
Laura Gruber Godfrey
English Instructor, Vandal Gateway Program
Brink 127
College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
English Department
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1102
Moscow ID 83844-1102
- Ph.D. American Literature, Washington State University, 2005
- M.A. American Literature, University of Idaho, 2001
- B.A. English, Emory University, 1998
- English 101: Writing and Rhetoric I
- English 102: Writing and Rhetoric II
Kalynn Hanley
304A Administration Building
School of Global Studies
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3174
Moscow, Idaho 83844-3174
Kalynn Hanley is an Instructor at the University of Idaho. She teaches for the American Language and Culture Program (ALCP) and the Vandal Gateway Program (VGP). She has been teaching English for ten years and has a Master’s in Teaching English as a Second Language from The Pennsylvania State University. She has lived and taught English in Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam and China.
- B.A., Willamette University, Anthropology, Spanish
- M.A., Pennsylvania State University, Teaching English as a Second Language
Courses Taught
- PHIL 103: Philosophy of Ethics
- Writing and Rhetoric I & II
- Fundamentals of Oral Communication
- Writing Studio
- Focus on Success
- Cultural Anthropology
- English Reading
- English Listening
- English for STEM
Annette Folwell
Professor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies
112 Administration Building
Department of Psychology & Communication
University of Idaho MS 3043
Moscow, Idaho 83844-3043
Annette Folwell's research interests center on first responders and how they manage stress in their professional and personal lives.
- Ph.D., Department of Communication, University of Oklahoma
- M.A., University of Montana
- B.A., University of Puget Sound
- COMM 111: Introduction to Communication Studies
- COMM 410: Conflict Management
- COMM 431: Applied Business and Professional Communication
- COMM 432: Gender and Communication
- COMM 438: Crisis Communication
- COMM 492: Dark Side of Communication