Travel Forms and Policies
- Pre-Approval Reports - Travel Authorizations and guidelines.
- Travel Pre-Approval Exception Form - Documentation of exceptions to travel pre-approval process.
- Cash Advances - Cash Advances and guidelines
- Expense Reports - Travel Expense Report
- Pre-Entertainment Approval - Request for business events, entertainment and promotional meals
- Pre-Approval Travel Expense Worksheet - Planning tool used in completing the Travel Approval Request
- Employee Travel Expense Report Worksheet - Preparation tool used in completing the Employee Travel Expense Report
- Mileage Log - A summary of miles and vehicle information incurred over a period of time, needed for reimbursement of personal miles
- Non-Travel Expense Report - Pcard reconciliation of items purchased and, out of pocket reimbursement incurred by U of I employees
- Employee Travel Expense Report - Travel expenses both Pcard and personal reimbursements incurred by U of I employees
- Lodging Sales Tax Exemption - ST-104 is required in order to receive Idaho sales tax exemption for lodging
- Per Diem Chart - A summary of the U of I Per Diem guidelines.
- Reimbursement Policy - A summary of the U of I receipt requirements for reimbursement.
- Traveling with the U of I Purchasing Card
- Business and Promotional Meals while in Travel Status
- Combining Business and Personal Travel - Traveling in conjunction with personal travel
- International Travel - APM Section 70.23
- Student Travel - Summary of Student Travel Payment Process
- Compensation Time During Travel - How to calculate the compensation time for non-exempt staff while in travel status. Fair Labor and Standards Act.
- The Risk - Risk Management information provided for the traveler.