4-H Projects
In 4-H projects, you learn by doing. You'll follow your interests, gain new skills and show off your achievements. With over 100 projects in 10 subject areas, there's something for almost everyone.
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Web-based Learning
4-H Mindfulness Curricula and Resources
- Your Thoughts Matter (Ohio State University Extension) — Is intended to raise awareness of and start conversations about mental health, it is a member-directed project — meaning teens can work through it on their own with the help of a caring adult. No special training for the adults involved is required. This project is not intended as a resource for those in crisis. https://projectcentral.ohio4h.org/publications/your-thoughts-matter/
- GEM: Get Experience in Mindfulness (University of Delaware, Extension) — An Awareness and Acceptance Stress Management Program for ages 10 and up — adults too. This program places an emphasis on stress management taught through practical and interactive mindfulness-based activities to facilitate experiential learning. Five lessons cover: Intentions and Goal Setting, Awareness and Attention, Self-care: Stress Reducation and Relaxation, Communication and Relationships, and Gratitude and Acceptance.
- Mindful Me: A 4-H Primary Mindfulness Curriculum (University of California) — Introduces cloverbud youth (5-8 years old) to basic concepts in mindfulness practices. The program promotes mindful practices that lead to improvements in managing one’s own goals, developing a sense of self, time management, stress management, emotional regulation and mindful eating practices. https://shop4-h.org/
Physical Activity Resources and Curriculum
- 4-H Yoga for Kids — 4-H Ritual and Pledge in yoga poses (University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz3ahmJI4vg
- STEPS to a Healthier Teen: Segments to Emphasize Physical Activity and Nutrition Steps (National 4-H) — Consists of 10 activities for youth ages 14 to 19. The purpose of the curriculum is to help youth develop skills and knowledge in physical education and nutrition. Participants experience a variety of learning methods and tools such as games, case scenarios, computer software programs, cooking demonstrations and fitness challenges. https://shop4-h.org/
Support and Coping Resources
- Helping Kids Deal with Disappointment (Rise and Shine newsletter, Children's National) — https://riseandshine.childrensnational.org/helping-kids-deal-with-disappointment/
- Helping Children Cope with Changes Resulting from COVID-19 Resources — National Association of School Psychologists
The current responsibility of conquering COVID-19 has created obstacles in continuing 4-H opportunities for our families, volunteers and communities. To ease the sudden transition into a virtual format for 4-H programming, we have built a list of resources for Idaho's 4-H family to utilize as they continue 4-H learning and engagement. This list is ever changing, but we will work to keep it updated as more resources are developed or shared.
The UI 4-H team has curated a wide variety of youth-led learning resources that are available for at-home learning. All of the resources below are publicly available for you and your family to use. Our goal is to provide resources that young people can use to stay engaged in learning while out of school.
4-H Documents/Publications- 4-H Project Hot Sheets — From Iowa 4-H a free series of over thirty topic-based resources with ideas for learning and exploring project areas like photography, veterinary science, communication and much more. Grades 4-12
- Iowa 4-H — Online spreadsheet of at-home learning resources
The University of Idaho Extension 4-H team has curated a wide variety of youth-led learning resources that are available for at-home learning. All of the resources below are publicly available for you and your family to use. Our goal is to provide resources that young people can use to stay engaged in learning while out of school. This list will continue to grow, we will highlight Idaho's 4-H efforts as well as other Extension/4-H programs and outside partners.
National 4-H Council
- Keep Kids Engaged and Learning From Home — If you are looking for ways to keep your kids engaged during this impromptu time off, 4‑H offers learning resources that are hands-on, fun and engaging
- STEM Lab — Fun, hands-on STEM activities for kids of all ages to do anywhere
- Scientific Expedition in Computer Science — This game teaches kids computer science (CS) concepts and teamwork, while introducing them to a diverse array of computer science careers grades 6-8
- Healthy Living Guide — The 4‑H Healthy Living Activity Guide with 30 hands-on, educational activities to help your child live a happy, healthy life
- Inspire Kids to Do Activity Guide — Includes 60 educational activities to help your child learn through hands-on doing in a array of topics including crafting, STEM and more
- Holiday Activity Guide — 15 inspirational activities to help your kid continue doing and learning during the holiday season
- Shop 4-H Curriculum, National 4-H — The online store for nationally-vetted curricula on a wide variety of topics. Many of the products here are project area learning resources that can be used by young people directing their own exploration of a topic of interest. Most items on this site are offered at a cost. Grades K-12, grade filter available on site.
Land Grant University (LGU) Websites
- Washington State University Extension — Learning Links 4-H & More
- Crops Feed the World — Iowa State University Extension
- 30 Day 4-H Hygge Challenge — Colorado 4-H 30 Day Photography Challenge
- Science Lessons from Home — Michigan State University offers 84 science lessons
- Home Alone — Michigan State University virtual club to help youth stay safe at home alone
- Green Genes: Genetics — University of Massachusetts Amherst
- University of Kentucky 4-H — Website full of at-home resources
- Michigan State University Extension Family — Breaks educational activities into age groups
- Discover 4-H — Curriculum series from Utah State University
- West Virginia University Extension Service — Variety of global skill-a-thons
- 4-H Learns — Global 4-H
- TCD Foods Project Challenges — Ages 7 and Older from Kansas 4-H
Other Resources
- Idaho STEM Action Center
- Idaho Out of School Network
- STEMfinity
- PCS Edventures
- PBS Learning
- Virtual Team Building Activities
- You be the Chemist — From the Chemical Ed. Foundation
- Oasis Matters — Online STEM Club
- 30 Days of Lego Play
- Scholastic Learn at Home
Digital Learning Resources
Pre-K and Early Elementary
- PBS Kids
- Crayola Coloring Pages
- Little Bins for Little Hands — STEM activities
- Sesame Street
- Sesame Street Caring for Each Other Portal — access 110 e-books and other e-learning resources
- NASA STEM at Home — Grades K-4
- 400 K Worksheets
Late Elementary and Middle School
- Paulding STEAM Club
- Home Safari with the Cincinnati Zoo
- Georgia Aquarium
- Born to Move — Children's Fitness Program
- Virtual Farm Tours — American Dairy Assoc. and Oregon Ag in the Classroom
- Disease Detectives — CDC Junior Disease Detectives
- 20 Virtual Field Trips
- Incubating Education LSU Ag Center
- Stand Strong LSU Ag Center
High School
- NASA Activities — For grades 9-12
- Virtual Museum Tours
- edX
- Living Your Financial Experience LSU Ag Center
https://www.uidaho.edu/extension/idah2o/resources K-12 teachers and currently homeschooling families can use this as a science-based, hands-on set of activities to teach about wildlife and stream habitat.
The UI 4-H team has curated a wide variety of youth-led learning resources that are available for at-home learning. All of the resources below are publicly available for you and your family to use. Our goal is to provide resources that young people can use to stay engaged in learning while out of school.
Animal Science
- How to Take Care of Your Pets, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach — A collection of videos on the Extension YouTube UKnow channel.
- Livestock Judging Video Series, Iowa 4-H — A series of videos for livestock judging education and preparation.
- Poultry Breeds Video Series — From Ohio 4-H a series of videos on poultry breeds developed in collaboration with the American Poultry Association.
- Animal U — A new and innovative online learning tool to engage youth in learning about the science behind livestock production. Currently, there are 87 lessons in beef, swine, and careers that youth may access at any time. More lessons are continually being created and will be posted as soon as they are ready.
- Animal Nutrition Virtual Clinic by UI Extension, Bingham County
- Dairy Cattle Nutrition Virtual Clinic by UI Extension, Bingham County. Guest speaker David Callister, UI Extension Butte County Extension Educator
- Beekeeping 101 — This online course about the science and practice of beekeeping is for beginning beekeepers. It covers bee biology and behavior, hive management, equipment, bee products, and more by Penn State Extension
- Artisan Bread — Katie Hoffman, Extension educator, UI Extension, Lemhi County
- University of Kentucky Forestry — A YouTube channel dedicated to forestry and natural resources education for teens and adults. Grades 9-12
General Projects
- UKnow How-To Video Series — A series of videos on a wide variety of subjects, intended for older youth and adult learners.
- Paper Towel Gardening — Nic Usabel, Extension educator, UI Extension, Canyon County
- Gardening in the Zone — horticulture series of videos available on YouTube by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
Healthy Living
Oral Presentations
- Oral Presentations Workshop — UI 4-H with Nancy Shelstad, UI 4-H Regional Educator and Carrie Johnson, UI Extension Educator Canyon County
- Slime — UI Extension, Ada County
This list will be changing and growing as program opportunities develop.
- https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/host-a-virtual-4-h-meeting — Hosting virtual meetings
- Zoom Tips (PDF) — Tips using Zoom and information on how to use Zoom for 4-H meetings
- Zoom Meeting Settings (PDF) — Security settings for Zoom meetings
Idaho Programs
UI Extension Victory Garden Course
- https://campus.extension.org/course/view.php?id=1000
- Free course includes 10 units on topics ranging from vegetable gardening, herbs, fruit trees and food preservation
UI & UW Extension Sheep & Goat Webinar
- Weekly on Thursdays
- Noon MST
- Preregister for Zoom meetings at https://uidaho.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fWiLWKvuS2-dx3AJnWotNw
- Sessions are recorded and posted on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGrmjYNXPVwf-V-VeZYfFnQ?view_as=subscriber
UI Extension Bannock County 4-H
- Bannock County 4-H — Virtual meetings are being held twice a week, topics vary
UI Extension Camas and Gooding County 4-H
- Camas Gooding 4-H — Virtual activities including:
- School resources
- Science at Home Experiments
- Livestock and Horse projects
- Club meeting
Other Programs
- Texas A&M 4-H — Offering a four-week visual art cam for grades 9-12 (weekly March 30, April 6 and 13)
- Pulaski Extension with Georgia 4-H — R.E.A.L. STEM at home every Tuesday and Thursday
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln 4-H — Live experiences (Living Room Learning and Boredom Busters) and online programs for families four days a week
- Extension Horses, ExtensionHorses.org — Several online learning modules are available free of charge. Enrollment is required.
4-H Professionals
- Connect Extension — All Cooperative Extension professionals are invited to create accounts, share webinars on the Learn calendar within this platform, and access learning opportunities made available system-wide.
- Campus.eXtension.org — has a variety of tools from camp counselor and volunteer trainings to project lessons.
Choosing a Project
Here are some things for you and your parents to think about as you choose 4-H projects:
- What interests you?
- Does your county 4-H program already have a leader for this project?
- How much will the project cost? Some livestock projects, for instance, require a significant financial investment.
- Do you have enough space to complete the project and can you get the equipment you’ll need?
- Can your parents or another adult help you with the project (for example, drive you to meetings)?
- Will the project help you grow as an individual?
- How much time will the project take? Some projects take a full year to complete, while others take just a few days or weeks. You may want to do only one or two projects in your first year of 4-H.
- Does the project sound like it's fun and worth the effort?
Project Categories
Cooking Lv 1 - 4-H Cooking 101
Cooking Lv 2 - 4-H Cooking 201
Cooking Lv 3 - 4-H Cooking 301
Cooking Lv 4 - 4-H Cooking 401
Food Preservation Boiling Water Canning
Food Preservation Pressure Canning
Food Science Lv 1 - The Secrets of Baking
Food Science Lv 2 - The Power of Protein Chemistry
Food Science Lv 3 - The Inner Mysteries of Fruits and Vegetables
Beekeeping Lv 1: Understanding the Honeybee
Beekeeping Lv 2: Working With Honeybees
Beekeeping Lv 3: Advanced Beekeeping
Entomology Lv 1: Teaming With Insects 1
Entomology Lv 2: Teaming With Insects 2
Entomology Lv 3: Teaming With Insects 3
Forestry Lv 1: Follow the Path
Forestry Lv 2: Reach for the Canopy
Aerospace Lv 3: Reaching New Heights
Aerospace Lv 4: Pilot In Command
Electricity Lv 1: The Magic of Electricity
Electricity Lv 2: Investigating Electricity
Electricity Lv 3: Wired for Power
Electricity Lv 4: Entering Electronics
Robotics Tournament Track Lv 1: FIRST LEGO League Challenge
Robotics Tournament Track Lv 2: FIRST Tech Challenge
Small Engines Lv 1: Crank It Up
Small Engines Lv 2: Warm It Up
Small Engines Lv 3: Tune It Up
Woodworking Lv 1: Measuring Up
Woodworking Lv 2: Making the Cut
The 4-H Self-Determined project option is available to youth 12-18 years of age. It is designed for members to explore appropriate educational interests in subject areas where either: (1) no Idaho-approved 4-H curriculum exists or (2) members have completed all levels of the approved curriculum and desire to continue learning about that subject in greater depth. At no time shall it be used to substitute for currently approved Idaho 4-H curriculum.
For more information please visit: https://www.uidaho.edu/extension/4h/projects/self-determined