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Borah Symposium

Physical Address:
338 Administration Building

Mailing Address:
Borah Foundation & Symposium
c/o The Martin Institute
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3177
Moscow, ID 83844-3177

Phone: 208-885-6527

Fax: 208-885-9464



Borah Symposium 2000-09

April 18-21

Committee Chair: Dennis Scarnecchia, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Resources

Seminar Series:

“Aquatic and Terrestrial Resource”

  • Dennis Scarnecchia, Fish & Wildlife

“Natural Resource Conflicts in the Coeur d'Alene Basin”

  • Kathryn Canfield-Davis, Water Resource Research Institute

“Water Wars: Obstacles to Peace in the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict”

  • Barbara Nasrallah, WSU

“Water Quality issues in the Northwest”

  • Barbara Williams, Water Resources Research Inst.


April 18

“Global Resource Conflicts: Challenges for a New Century

  • Gary Gardner, Worldwatch Institute

April 19

“Natural Resources and an Optimal Global Population

  • David Pimentel, Cornell University

April 19

“Cows 'R Us: Mooing into the Millennium

  • Jon Marvel, Idaho Watersheds Project

April 20

“New Millennium Resource Conflicts: Root Causes

  • James Lichatowich, Alder Fork Consulting

“International Ramifications of Our Consumptive Ways

  • Claudine Schneider, U.S. Committee for the United Nations Development

April 21

“The Challenge of Resource Issues in Idaho”

  • Larry Craig, U.S. Senator from Idaho

“Environmental Challenges of the 21st Century”

  • Ted Turner, CNN, Time-Warner

April 24-26

“Committee Co-chairs: Rula Awwad-Rafferty, Dept. of Architecture; Margaret Salazar, Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literatures”

April 25

“Lights and Shadows of the Global Village”

  • Carlos Fuentes

April 26

“Globalization: A Scale & Power Perspective”

  • John Bodley


  • Francis Fukuyama

April 22-25

April 22

“Peace through Israeli and Palestinian Youth”

  • Barbra Gottschalk

April 23

“Paths to Peace: Panel Discussion”

  • Dr. Gershon Baskin

April 24

“The Palestinian Political Spectrum”

  • Dr. Hanan Mikhail-Ashrawi

April 25

“Third Party Intervention”

  • Hon. Dennis Ross

April 21-22

April 21

“Defining Propaganda: A Panel Discussion”

  • John L. Esposito, Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University, moderator
  • Shaikh Ghazanfar, Department of Economics, University of Idaho
  • Ellen Gorsevski, Department of English, Washington State University
  • Susan Ross, Murrow School of Communication, Washington State University

April 22

“Propaganda and Conflict: Community Forum”

Documentary screening: “Al-Jazeera: Arab Voice for Democracy or Demagoguery? The UNC Tour”

  • Kenton Bird, School of Journalism and Mass Media, University of Idaho, moderator

“Shaping the Conflict between Islam and the West”

  • Keynote speaker: John L. Esposito, Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University.

March 1-3

The Borah Foundation teamed with the International Center for Nonviolent Conflict to present the 2004 symposium

“Strategic Nonviolent Conflict”

  • Participants discussed ways in which organized nonviolence can topple dictatorial regimes or force changes in repressive social systems. Examples of the former include the student movement against Slobodan Milosevic (Yugoslavia 2000) and the Solidarity Workers Movement against the Soviet Union (Poland 1978-1980), and the latter include Martin Luther King and Cesar Chavez (USA).

March 1

“Understanding Strategic Nonviolent Conflict”

  • This event will feature a half-hour highlight segment of the award winning documentary “A Force More Powerful, A Century of Nonviolent Conflict” followed by a presentation from Dr. Peter Ackerman.

March 2

Documentary Screening : “Bringing Down A Dictator”

  • The student-led Otpor! movement mobilized against Slobodan Milosevic in 2000 and is an excellent recent example of strategic nonviolence in action.

“Making Nonviolent Liberation Work: A Panel Discussion on North Korea and Cuba”

  • Jack DuVall the President of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, Dr. Daniel Pinkston of the Monterey Institute of International Studies, and Dr. Terry Karl (invited) of Stanford University. This included a panel discussion of the feasibility/practicality of applying nonviolent models to regimes in Cuba and North Korea.

March 3

Community Forum

  • Shaazka Beyerle
  • This event permitted community members to discuss ways that ideas of nonviolence might be applied in our local community and/or by community members in support of other causes.

“A Force More Powerful”

  • Berel Rodal introduced the Poland segment of “A Force More Powerful”

Keynote Address: “Poland vs. the USSR: Nonviolent Conflict in Practice”

Nobel Laureate Lech Walesa

  • Lech Walesa will offer his thoughts on the strategic decision to challenge the Soviet Union without resorting to violence.

April 17-20

April 17

Documentary screening: “About Baghdad”

April 18

“Genocide: A Humanitarian Response”

  • Lt. Gen. (Ret) Roméo Dallaire
  • Introduced by Canada’s Consul General (Seattle), The Honorable Jeffrey Parker
  • Lt. General Roméo Dallaire’s courageous and humanitarian actions saved the lives of thousands of Rwandans in 1994, when he led the United Nations mission in Rwanda. Although he and his UN troops did not have the mandate to intervene in the genocide that occurred there, he did not freeze in the face of horror. Against political pressure to take sides in the conflict, Dallaire remained impartial, and his courage, compassion and integrity has since earned him much recognition.

April 19

The participants in the evening panel discussion each made a one hour presentation on a subject of their choosing. These talks were held in the Horizon-Aurora Rooms of the UI Commons.

“The Role of Interreligious Engagement for World Peace”

  • Imam Yahya Hendi

“Overcoming Violence – Promoting a Culture of Peace”

  • Reverend Dr. Hansulich Gerber
  • Violence is one of the leading causes of death for people between 15 and 44 every year. The United Nations and the World Council of Churches both declared the years 2001-2010 as a decade focusing on violence, non-violence and peace. Understanding violence and learning non-violent approaches is key to prevention and peace building.

“Living With Terror – Morality vs. Security: Human Rights, Israel and the Jewish Tradition”

  • Rabbi David Forman
  • How to balance the absolute need for Israel to defend itself against terrorism and the necessity to maintain one’s moral equilibrium has occupied Rabbi Forman, the founding chairperson of Israeli Rabbis for Human Rights and the former director of the Israel Office of the Union for Reform Judaism, for many years. He will address these moral ambiguities in his talk: “Living with Terror - Morality vs. Security”

Inter-Religious Panel: “Transforming Faith into Global Humanitarian Action”

  • Dean Stewart, past chairperson of the Moscow Interfaith Association, served as moderator for this event, which will feature Imam Hendi, Reverend Gerber and Rabbi Forman.

April 20

Public Forum

  • Adam Shapiro, former director of the Seeds of Peace Center for Coexistence in Jerusalem.

Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams

  • Ms. Jody Williams is an eloquent and outspoken advocate for peace and human rights issues. The founding coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), she is one of only ten women who have received the Nobel Peace Prize and only the third woman from the U.S.

March 26-29

Sponsored by The Borah Foundation in collaboration with Martin Institute, The College of Natural Resources and The College of Law.

“Resource Wars” brings some of the best minds in global resource analysis together to explore the history and potential for conflict over the ever increasing demand for limited resources. All talks are free to the public.

Additional funding provided by:
Conservation Social Sciences, the Idaho Fish and Wildlife Research Cooperative Unit, Fish and Wildlife Resources, Forest Products, Forest Resources and Rangeland Ecology and Management, The Department of Geography and the UI CATIE NSF-IGERT Project.

March 26

Global Simulation Game

  • 100 UI students participated in a three hour interactive world simulation game played on a giant world map. The game was presented by OS Earth. The game teaches participants how the world works by letting them make decisions for nations of the world. It stimulated thought on how we can better manage the world and its resources.

March 27

Global Petro-politics

  • Dr. Klare

“Spiritual Negotiations: The Kabbalah of Conflict”

  • Dr. Wolf

“Oil and Water - Conflict Over Resources - Presentations and Discussion”

  • Dr. Klare
  • Dr. Wolf

March 28

“Recognition of Responsibility: Cooperation or Conflict”

  • Severn Cullis-Suzuki
March 29

“Collapse – How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed“

  • Jared Diamond

April 1-7

Sponsored by The Borah Foundation in collaboration with The College of Law, Martin Institute and The Women's Center.

April 1

“The Shape of Water”

  • Co-sponsored by the Women's Center
  • Featuring discussion from filmmaker Kum-Kum Bhavnani following the film.

April 2

Keynote Address: “Empowering Women for Peace”

  • Honorable Mary Robinson

Passion for Change: Women Making Change Around the World

  • Kum-Kum Bhavnani

April 3

The Bougainville Inter-Church Women's Forum

  • Sister Lorraine Garasu

Lessons From Regional Peacekeeping in the South Pacific

  • Iain Campbell Smith

Documentary screening: “Bougainville Sky”

The Bougainville Women for Peace and Freedom Movement

  • Sister Lorraine Garasu
  • Iain Campbell Smith

April 4

“How is Militarism Becoming Globalized?”

  • Cynthia Enloe

“Why Do Governments Encourage Women to Support their Wars? Some Feminist Clues”

  • Cynthia Enloe

March 30 - April 2

Sponsored by The Borah Foundation in collaboration with Martin Institute. Additional finding provided by The College of Law, the Psychology Department and the School of Journalism and Mass Media.

March 30

Documentary screening: “Encounter Point

  • Ronit Avri, director and producer

March 31

“Kosovo's Endgame”

  • Fred Cocozzelli, St. John's University

“Reconciliation and Post-Conflict Justice”

  • Fred Cocozzelli, St. John's University

April 1

“Civic Leadership in Grassroots Organizing in Israel/Palestine”

  • Ronit Avni, Just Vision

“Tree Planting in Honor of President F.W. de Klerk”

“The End of Apartheid and Reconciliation in South Africa”

  • Nobel Laureate and former President of South Africa F.W. de Klerk

April 2

“Ghana’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission”

  • Ken Attafuah, Director, National Reconciliation Commission of Ghana

“Fiji’s Reconciliation Efforts”

  • Mason Smith, Deputy Permanent Representative, Fiji Mission to the UN

“The Challenges of Reconciliation: A Discussion”

  • Ken Attafuah, Director, National Reconciliation Commission of Ghana and Mason Smith, Deputy Permanent Representative, Fiji Mission to the UN

March 29 - April 1

March 29

Documentary Screening: “Triage”

March 30

“Understanding Global Health

  • Jose R. Teruel, Georgetown University

“Building Health, Building Peace

  • Neil Arya, University of Waterloo

March 31

“Weapon Systems and Health

  • Neil Arya, University of Waterloo

Planting in Honor of Doctor Gro Harlem Brundtland

Keynote Address: Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland

  • Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland is former Prime Minister of Norway and former Director-General of the World Health Organization

April 1

“Post-crisis Psychosocial Support and Violence Prevention in Algeria

  • Marie-Therese Neuilly, University of Nantes

“The Work of UNAIDS

  • John Hassell, UNAIDS Washington Office

Panel Discussion

  • Marie-Therese Neuilly, University of Nantes
  • Jose R. Teruel, Georgetown University and the Pan American Health Organization
  • John Hassel, UNAIDS Washington Office or Ambassador Jimmy Kolker, UNICEF

Borah Symposium

Physical Address:
338 Administration Building

Mailing Address:
Borah Foundation & Symposium
c/o The Martin Institute
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3177
Moscow, ID 83844-3177

Phone: 208-885-6527

Fax: 208-885-9464

