Gain the scientific expertise to better manage water for farming, forestry and other water-dependent industries.
Gain the skills to manage, restore and conserve the wild habitats and natural landscapes that cover half of the earth.
Gain a broad liberal arts education and develop your skills in graphic design, interactive design or studio art.
Learn how to sell a product, service or idea to consumers in today’s global marketplace.
Develop a keen understanding of how the Earth’s climate functions and study the effects of climate change.
Learn how to create, direct and produce news and entertainment programs for television, radio and digital media.
Gain the solid science-based knowledge to ensure healthy fish populations in fisheries, lakes and rivers.
Prepare to plan, organize and lead recreation programs for communities, tourism companies, youth groups, and other organizations.
Gain the industry knowledge and practical teaching skills to become a secondary school teacher of agriculture (grades 6–12).
Learn to apply statistical principles and data analysis to help develop new products, address scientific questions, solve problems in business and government, and much more.
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