Research Faculty
Center for Traffic Operations and Control
Kevin Chang, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, NIATT Director
Engineering Physics 115
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Introduction to Civil Engineering, Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering, Traffic Systems Design, Civil Engineering Professional Seminar, Public Transportation
Areas of Expertise: Transportation Engineering
Ahmed Abdel-Rahim, Ph.D., P.E.
Engineering Physics 115
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Engineering Surveying, Highway Design & Traffic Systems, Simulation of Transportation Systems, Traffic Flow Theory, Intersection Traffic Operations
Areas of Expertise: Transportation Engineering
Jim Frenzel, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor
Gauss-Johnson 207
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Digital Logic, Microcontrollers and lab, Background Study in Digital Computer Fundamentals, Digital Systems Engineering, Intro to VLSI Design
Areas of Expertise: Applications of genetic algorithms, VLSI testing and fault-tolerant computing, Algorithms, architectures and circuits for efficient solution of problems in communications, image processing and signal processing
Brian Johnson, Ph.D., P.E.
University Distinguished Professor, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Endowed Chair in Power Engineering, CSDS Director
Gauss-Johnson 201
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Digital Logic, Logic Circuit Laboratory, Energy Systems I, Introduction to Power Systems, Power Systems Analysis, Power Electronic Circuits, Power Systems Planning and Resources, Symmetrical Components, Transients in Power Systems, Power System Protection and Relaying, Understanding Power Quality, Utility Applications of Power Electronics
Areas of Expertise: Power electronic applications for the control of power transmission and distribution systems, power system protection, power quality, superconductivity applications in transmission and distribution, energy storage systems, real time simulation of traffic systems and intelligent transportation systems
Michael (Mike) Lowry, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor
Engineering Physics 115H
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Civil Engineering Analysis & Design, Sustainable Transportation and Community Design, Transportation Planning, Transportation Safety Analysis
Areas of Expertise: Transportation Engineering and Transportation Planning
Center for Clean Vehicle Technology
Steven W. Beyerlein, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Physics 324I
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Lean Manufacturing, Advanced CAD, Capstone Design, Combustion Engine Systems.
Areas of Expertise Design Pedagogy, Combustion Science, Industrial Energy Conservation, Curriculum Design and Assessment
Dan Cordon, Ph.D.
Clinical Associate Professor
Gauss-Johnson 234H
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Dynamics, Introduction to Mechanical Design, Thermodynamics, Capstone Design
Areas of Expertise: Internal combustion engines, specifically looking at performance and emissions characteristics of various alternative fuels and non-traditional means of ignition
Bingjun Brian He, Ph.D., P.E.
Engineering Physics 408
Campus: Moscow
Courses: biological engineering analysis and design,
fundamentals of bioenergy and bioproducts,
thermochemical technologies for biomass conversion
Areas of Expertise: utilization of bio-based resources for value-added products and renewable energy through chemical / thermochemical processing.
Herbert Hess, Ph.D., P.E
Gauss-Johnson 205
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Energy Systems I, Advanced Electronics
Areas of Expertise: Power electronics, Electric machines and drives, Power quality
Armando McDonald
CNR 102D
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Forest Product Issues and Technology, Biocomposites, Lignocellulosic Biomass Chemistry, Biomaterial Product and Process Development
Areas of Expertise: Carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry, Wood materials chemistry and wood science, Biopolymer and Biomaterials science, Natural products chemistry
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Edwin Odom, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Gauss-Johnson 234E
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Computer Aided Design Methods, Machine Component Design I/II, Intermediate Mechanics of Materials, Advanced Computer Aided Design
Areas of Expertise: Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing; Experimental Stress Analysis; TQM
Tao Xing, Ph.D., P.E.
Engineering Physics 324G
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics, Mechanical Systems Design I/II, Thermal Energy System Design, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Mechanical Engineering Analysis, FE Exam Review
Areas of Expertise: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD),
Verification, validation and uncertainty quantification,
Fluid-structure interaction,
Heat transfer
Center for Transportation Infrastructure
Ahmed A. Ibrahim, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor
Buchanan 108
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Theory of Structures, Reinforced Concrete Design, Steel Design, Bridge Design, Strengthening & Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures, Advanced Concrete Design, Dynamics of Structures
Areas of Expertise: Structural Engineering
S.J. Jung, Ph.D., P.E.
Buchanan 101
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Engineering Graphics, Rock Mechanics, Excavation & Materials Handling, Tunnel Design & Construction
Areas of Expertise: Geological Engineering
Richard J. Nielsen, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, Acting Chair
Buchanan 106
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Theory of Structures, Steel Design, Advanced Design of Steel Structures, Structural Reliability of Engineered Systems, Dynamics of Structures, Finite Element Analysis, Matrix Structural Analysis, Engineering Statics, Geotechnical Engineering
Areas of Expertise: Structural Engineering
Emad Kassem, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor
Buchanan 128
Campus: Moscow
Courses: Properties of Construction Materials, Pavement Preservation and Management, Engineering Statics, Engineering Mechanics of Materials
Areas of Expertise: Materials and Pavements Engineering