Faculty Highlights

American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
Lisette Waits, distinguished professor of wildlife resources and head of the Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences, was recognized for research in conservation biology and molecular ecology that led to major impacts in these fields and to new, non-invasive DNA sampling techniques.

Fulbright Specialist Award
Lee Ostrom, associate dean of engineering and director of academic programs, Idaho Falls, applied his expertise at Aalto University in Finland on risk assessment, human factors ergonomics and industrial safety to make university physics and chemistry labs safer.

National Academy of Inventors Fellow
Greg Moller, professor of environmental chemistry and toxicology, was elected as a fellow for his innovative work developing wastewater cleansing technologies that soften the environmental footprints of communities worldwide.
Faculty Early Career Awards
This year, two University of Idaho assistant professors in the College of Science received funding awards from the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) program. CAREER awards, highly coveted, are offered on the basis of excellence in teaching and the integration of scholarship and education.

Christine Parent
received $1,093,880 to study the evolutionary processes that shape the diverse characteristics of Naesiotus land snails in the Galapagos.

Eric Mittelstaedt
received $600,000 to investigate shifts in the locations of Earth’s diverging oceanic plate boundaries.