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KLK573 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Inventory Database

ITD Research Project; Task Order Number UI-15-05

Principal Investigators

  • Michael Lowry
  • Bruce Godfrey

ITD Project Manager

  • Brian M. Shea

FHWA Project Advisor

  • Lori Porreca

Student Researchers

Research Problem Statement

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has a strategic goal and a performance measure of "Towards Zero Deaths." This means committing to having the safest transportation system possible, thereby committing to zero deaths for vehicular passengers as well as bicyclists and pedestrians involved in vehicular crashes along Idaho's roadways.

To achieve ITD's commitment to achieving a safe, effective and balanced multimodal transportation system including accommodations for bicyclists, pedestrians and pedestrians with disabilities, along with motorized transportation modes; it is essential to have access to crash and bike/pedestrian facility data both on and off the state highway system. Idaho is fortunate to already have a method to capture, store and expose statewide crash data. The state is lacking a similar means and method for bike/pedestrian facilities.

In addition, Title 23 U.S.C. § 217 (d) indicates that each state receiving an apportionment under the Surface Transportation Program {STP) and the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) shall fund a position of Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator within the State DOT using such amounts of STP or HSIP monies as may be necessary for:

  • Promoting and facilitating the increased use of non-motorized modes of transportation,
  • Developing facilities for the use of pedestrians and bicyclists,
  • Public education, promotional and safety programs for using such facilities.

In order to meet ITD's strategic safety goal along with the bulleted emphasis areas, ITD and community partners need to know what and where bicycle and pedestrian facilities currently exist throughout Idaho. A complete and detailed inventory of existing facilities can assist communities to identify safety concerns, plan new facilities, prioritize projects, and manage the system.

Project Objectives

The objective of this project is to:

  • Identify the datasets related to bicyclist and pedestrian facilities that would provide value to the State for making informed planning and programming decisions.
  • Collect bicycle and pedestrian facility inventory data on the Idaho State Highway System (SHS).

Project Tasks

Task 1: Identify initial datasets to include in a bicycle/pedestrian inventory

  • The University of Idaho (U of I) will prepare a written document that summarizes current bicycle/pedestrian data storage and analytic practices in up to five other state Departments of Transportation or major metropolitan planning organizations. The paper will summarize the technical tools for collection/storage/access and associated datasets used at each agency, steps followed to implement bicycle/pedestrian analysis, and ways in which the results of the analysis are used by agency decision makers.
  • U of I will facilitate meeting(s) with project TAC members to review the document and establish a prioritized list of datasets along with important dataset attributes to include in a bicycle/pedestrian inventory. The list will identify which datasets may already exist and reside in a system of record for the State Highway system and/or other statewide system, e.g., the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation.
  • U of I will coordinate with the ITD HQ-GIS Section to have the District ITD GIS Analyst Schema Team create a specific scheme for each dataset listed in the bicycle/pedestrian inventory. The Schema Team will compare identified dataset list to any datasets that exist currently with documented schema to reduce duplication of efforts.


  1. A document summarizing the data collected for and uses of bike/pedestrian information by other transportation agencies.
  2. A document summarizing the established list of prioritized bicycle/pedestrian datasets desired for inclusion in a statewide inventory and whether they currently exist either statewide or for the SHS and the system of record.
  3. A document clearly identifying the schema attributes for each dataset.

Task 2: Collect bicycle and pedestrian facility inventory data on the Idaho State Highway System (SHS)

  • U of I will collect the bicycle/pedestrian inventory datasets identified in Task I starting with those datasets which already exist and reside in an Idaho State system of record. Other important datasets which currently don't exist will be collected to the extent there are funds remaining in the project budget.
  • U of I and the TAC will jointly decide where the bicycle/pedestrian inventory datasets will be housed and how they will be accessed and maintained based on the information generated in Task I.


  1. A document listing all the bicycle/pedestrian inventory datasets available including how and where they can be accessed.
  2. A document detailing the procedures to maintain and update the datasets
  3. A document listing those important datasets which may not have been collected due to budget constraints.

Project Communication Schedule

Monthly progress report (ITD form 0771)

A minimum of one project meeting each quarter with the project's Technical Advisory Committee

Needs and Requirements

  • Existing data related to bicycle facilities
  • Review and feedback of monthly progress reports
  • Contact information for local agencies

Any changes to above scope of work shall require a Charter Change agreed to by the Project Manager and signed off by the Planning Services Engineer.

The Total Project Budget on page 1 of this Task Order represents the total amount of funding available for this project. Authorization for this Task Order is terminated when all the deliverables have been met or when the Project Budget has been depleted.

Required Outputs/Deliverables

All deliverables listed in Task 1

All deliverable listed in Task 2 to the extent funding remains in the project budget

Monthly progress reports


The objective of this project are to:

  • Identify the datasets related to bicyclist and pedestrian facilities that would provide value to the State for making informed planning and programming decisions.
  • Collect bicycle and pedestrian facility inventory data on the Idaho State Highway System (SHS).

Expected Outcomes/Savings to ITD

  • Saving additional lives in the State of Idaho by providing a means to store data for later usage and analysis of the potential correlation between crashes and existing (non) bike/pedestrian facilities.
  • Increase partnerships and meet the requirements of lTD's Bike/Pedestrian Coordinator emphasis areas.
  • Help ITD and local communities gain a better understanding of existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities to identify safety concerns, plan new facilities, prioritize projects, and manage the system.

Monthly Progress Reports (ITD 771) and Task Progress Charts

Project status:


Final report:

Read Final Report



Physical Address:
115 Engineering Physics Building
Moscow, ID 83844-0901

Phone: 208-885-0576

Fax: 208-885-2877
