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The following products and publications are related to the research at Rinker Rock Creek Ranch.

Peer-reviewed articles

  • Hall, J. B., M. K. Bloomsburg, J. E. Sprinkle, S. E. Stratton and J. B. Glaze. 2024. Relationship between feed efficiency and reproductive measures in beef heifers. Journal of Animal Science:102 (Suppl 3): 301-302,
  • Stratton, S. E., T. W. Geary, G. E. Chibisa, J. C. Dalton, A. L. Zezeski, J. E. Williams, and J. B. Hall. 2024. Impacts of rumen protected omega-6 fatty acid supplementation on cow reproduction and calf growth Journal of Animal Science, 102 (Suppl 3): 290–291,
  • Sprinkle, J. E., L. T. Sullivan, K. S. Jensen, M. J. Ellison, J. B. Hall, C. M. Willmore, J. K. Sagers, J. V. Yelich, J. B. Glaze, Jr., J. R. Brennan, R. M. Lewis, J. B. Taylor, B. M. Murdoch, M. R. Stegemiller, D. R. Tolleson, P. E. Clark, M. C. Roberts-Lew, and J. B. Lamb. 2024. Unlocking the Mysteries of Cow and Calf Grazing Behavior on Rugged Rangeland Pastures Using GPS and Accelerometer Sensor Technology. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 102, Issue Supplement_3, September 2024, Pages 195–196, (Invited).
  • Harrison, G. R., Jones, L. C., Ellsworth, L. M., Strand, E. K., & Prather, T. S. (2024). Cheatgrass alters flammability of native perennial grasses in laboratory combustion experiments. Fire Ecology, 20(1), 103.
  • Harrison, Georgia R., Abhinav Shrestha, Eva K. Strand, and Jason W. Karl. 2024. “ A comparison and development of methods for estimating shrub volume using drone-imagery-derived point clouds.” Ecosphere 15(5): e4877.
  • De Stefano, A., B.A. Mealor, L.C. Jones, E.A. Lehnhoff, J.M. Mangold, T. Prather, C.V. Ransom, L.J. Rew. 2024. Plot-measured variables indicate landscape-scale patterns of annual grass invasion in northwestern United States rangelands. Rangeland Ecology & Management 92: 90-99.
  • Prather, T, L. Jones, E. Strand, G. Harrison, K. Johnston. 2023. Answering complex questions as we make headway on annual grasses and fire. International Grassland Congress Proceedings XXV: 50.
  • Wold, A., A.J.H. Meddens, K.D. Lee, and V.S. Jansen. 2023. Quantifying the effects of vegetation productivity and drought scenarios on livestock production decisions and income. Rangelands 45: 21-32.
  • Randall, K.J., M.J. Ellison, J.V. Yelich, W.J. Price, and T.N. Johnson. 2023. Changes in forage quality and cattle performance with short-duration grazing of mesic meadows in the intermountain West. Rangeland Ecology & Management 87: 13-21.
  • Hall, J. B., M. R. Bloomsburg, and S. A. Goddard. 2022. Effect of a Lactobacillus fermentation product on postweaning heifer performance. Translational Animal Science, 2022, 6, 1–7.
  • Hall, J. B., M. R. Bloomsburg, and S. A. Goddard. 2022. Effect of a Lactobacillus fermentation product on postweaning heifer performance. Translational Animal Science, 2022, 6, 1–7.
  • Randall, K.J., Ellison, M.J., Yelich, J.V., Price, W.J., and Johnson, T.N., 2022. Managing forbs preferred by greater sage-grouse and soil moisture in mesic meadows with short-duration grazing. Rangeland Ecology & Management 82, 66-75.
  • Jansen, V., A.C.E. Traynor, J.W. Karl, N. Lepak, and J. Sprinkle. 2022. Monitoring grazing use: Strategies for leveraging technology and adapting to variability. Rangelands,
  • Cunliffe, Andrew M., Karen Anderson, Fabio Boschetti, Richard E. Brazier, Hugh A. Graham, Isla H. Myers‐Smith, Thomas Astor, et al. “Global Application of an Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry Protocol for Predicting Aboveground Biomass in Non‐forest Ecosystems.” Edited by Temuulen Sankey and A Carter. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, July 7, 2021, rse2.228.
  • Jansen, V.S., C.A. Kolden, H.J. Schmalz, J.W. Karl, and R.V. Taylor. “Using Satellite-Based Vegetation Data for Short-Term Grazing Monitoring to Inform Adaptive Management.” Rangeland Ecology & Management 76 (May 2021): 30–42.
  • Allred, B.W., B.T. Bestelmeyer, C.S. Boyd, C. Brown, K.W. Davies, L.M. Ellsworth, T.A. Erickson, S.D. Fuhlendorf, T.V. Griffiths, V. Jansen, M.O. Jones, J. Karl, J.D. Maestas, J.J. Maynard, S.E. McCord, D.E. Naugle, H.D. Starns, D. Twidwell, D.R. Uden. 2021. Improving Landsat predictions of rangeland fractional cover with multitask learning and uncertainty. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 00: 1-9.
  • Sprinkle, J.E., J.K. Sagers, J.B. Hall, M.J. Ellison, J.V. Yelich, J.R. Brennan, J.B. Taylor, J.B. Lamb. 2021. Predicting cattle grazing behavior on rangeland using accelerometers. Rangeland Ecology and Management 76: 157-170.
  • Wardropper, CB, Angerer J, Burnham M, Fernandez-Gimenez M, Jansen V, Jason K., Lee K, Wollstein K. 2021. The use of climate decision-support tools for rangeland: Social science insights on influences from individual to institutional levels. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 52: 82-91.
  • Sprinkle, J. E., M. J. Ellison, J. B. Hall, J. V. Yelich, C. M. Willmore, and J. R. Brennan. 2021. Grazing behavior and production for lactating cows differing in residual feed intake while grazing spring and summer rangeland. Translational Animal Science 5: txab063.
  • McCarley, T.R., T.M. Ball, J.L. Aycrigg, E.K. Strand, L.K. Svancara, J.S. Horne, T.N. Johnson, M.K. Lonneker, M. Hurley. 2020. Predicting fine-scale plant species distribution to inform ungulate nutrition. Ecological Informatics 60: 101170.
  • Sprinkle, J.E., M.J. Ellison, J.B. Hall, J.V. Yelich, C.M. Willmore, J.R. Brennan. 2019. Are low residual feed intake cows adapted to rangelands? Transl. Anim. Sci. 3:1797-1801.
  • York, K.J., T.N. Johnson, J.V. Yelich, W.J. Price, M.J. Ellison. 2019. Mesic meadow response to varying levels of grazing utilization in south-central Idaho. Translational Animal Science; Volume 3(1): 1658-1663.

Popular articles

Other Extension material

  • Sprinkle, James. 2024. Grazing Behavior of Efficient Vs. Non-Efficient Cattle on Rangeland. Edited by Justin Mills. Working Ranch Rodeo Show Podcast Episode 184. September 28, 2024.
  • Sprinkle, J. and J. Brennan. 2019. Using 3-axis accelerometers to determine grazing activity. 16 pp. Available online at
  • Sprinkle, J. (Author) and S. A. Arispe. 2017. Developing your own utilization curve. [4:56 min video; Cattle Producer’s Handbook]. In S. A. Arispe (Producer). Ontario, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service. Available at: . Accessed Nov. 30, 2017. (Peer Reviewed).
  • Sprinkle, J. (Author) and S. A. Arispe (Director). 2017. Using the utilization gauge. [16:40 min video; Cattle Producer’s Handbook]. In S. A. Arispe (Producer). Ontario, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service. Available at: . Accessed Nov. 30, 2017. (Peer Reviewed).
  • Sprinkle, J. (Author) and S. A. Arispe (Director). 2017. Introduction to utilization monitoring. [5:55 min video; Cattle Producer’s Handbook]. In S. A. Arispe (Producer). Ontario, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service. Available at: . Accessed Nov. 30, 2017. (Peer Reviewed).
  • Sprinkle, J. (Author) and S. A. Arispe (Director). 2017. Calculating stocking rate. [3:23 min video; Cattle Producer’s Handbook]. In S. A. Arispe (Producer). Ontario, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service. Available at: . Accessed Nov. 30, 2017. (Peer Reviewed).
  • Prescott, W. (Speaker), J. Sprinkle (Co-Director), and S. A. Arispe (Director). 2017. A rancher’s perspective on determining stocking rates. [7:30 min video; Cattle Producer’s Handbook]. In S. A. Arispe (Producer). Ontario, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service. Available at: . Accessed Nov. 30, 2017. (Peer Reviewed).
  • Sprinkle, J. (Author) and S. A. Arispe (Director). 2017. How do you collect forage production data? [8:57 min video; Cattle Producer’s Handbook]. In S. A. Arispe (Producer). Ontario, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service. Available at: . Accessed Nov. 30, 2017. (Peer Reviewed).
  • Sprinkle, J. (Author) and Arispe, S.A. (Director). 2017. Where do you collect forage production data? [4:34 min video; Cattle Producer’s Handbook]. In S. A. Arispe (Producer). Ontario, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service. Available at: Accessed Nov. 30, 2017. (Peer Reviewed).

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Rock Creek Road, Blaine County

731 N. Main Street, Unit H,

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Picabo, ID 83348

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