
1 of 10: IRIC hosting indoor/outdoor event on a warm summer evening.

2 of 10: IRIC Fabrication Lab with large overhead door leading to covered work yard.

3 of 10: Students enjoying a spring day on the 3rd Level IRIC Balcony.

4 of 10: Polymorphic Games and UI Virtual Technology Lab utilizing the large IRIC Visualization Lab.

5 of 10: Large IRIC conference room overlooking the academic mall.

6 of 10: Pale Cyst Nematode Research group performing work in IRIC open bay Flex lab.

7 of 10: Faculty and students utilizing an IRIC informal meeting/study area overlooking the large visualization lab.

8 of 10: Graduate students working in one of the IRIC Dry Lab spaces.

9 of 10: Researchers working in shared fume hood area in IRIC open bay Flex Lab.