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Fish and Wildlife Sciences

Physical Address:
975 W. 6th Street
Moscow, Idaho

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875 Perimeter Drive MS 1136
Moscow, ID 83844-1136

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Fish and Wildlife Seminar Series

506 Seminar

Spring 2024

Feb. 9: Dr. Tiffany Garcia | RECORDING
Dr. Tiffany Garcia is a professor and the Bob and Phyllis Mace Watchable Wildlife Chair in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences at Oregon State University. Her research encompasses a wide variety of biological disciplines, including aquatic, behavioral and community ecology, invasion biology, conservation biology, and herpetology. She works in freshwater habitats and addresses ecologically based questions using amphibian and invertebrate systems. She has projects quantifying predator/prey dynamics, competition regimes, stressor defense strategies, and microhabitat preference using observational, theoretical, and empirical methods. She enjoys incorporating both laboratory and field components in her work and appreciates a diverse working environment.

Feb. 23: Dr. Jennifer Phillips | RECORDING
Dr. Jennifer Phillips is an Assistant Professor in the School of the Environment at Washington State University. She is broadly interested in animal behavior, communication, and the effects of human activity on wildlife. Specifically, she is interested in how sexually selected traits or functional traits are affected by landscapes and sensory pollution, and whether changes in these traits lead to population and community level ecological consequences.

March 8: Dr. Andy Royle | RECORDING
Dr. Andy Royle is a Research Statistician at the Eastern Ecological Science Center with the U.S. Geological Survey in Laurel, Maryland. He is engaged in the development of statistical methods and analytic tools for animal demographic modeling, statistical inference, and sampling wildlife populations and communities. His current research is focused on hierarchical models of animal abundance and occurrence, and the development of spatial capture-recapture methods and applications. He has authored or coauthored 6 books on quantitative analysis in ecology including the recent book Applied Hierarchical Models Vols. 1 and 2 (2016 and 2021, with Marc Kéry).

March 22: Dr. Sarah Converse | RECORDING
Dr. Sarah Converse is an Associate Professor in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences and the leader of the USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Washington. Her research group is focused on the development of methods for conserving populations. This generally involves two distinct but interrelated focal areas: quantitative population ecology and decision science. She has worked on a variety of taxa, including marine and terrestrial birds, marine and terrestrial mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Her focus is on applied science, with an emphasis on assisting managers of populations with decision making in the face of uncertainty, and complex and conflicting societal values. She works closely with managers in developing and executing research projects. She uses a variety of quantitative methods for building models of populations, and often integrates statistical estimation with expert judgment for parameterizing models. Hierarchical Bayesian methods and integrated modeling are often incorporated into her research projects. Currently, she is involved in projects with collaborators in North America, Europe, New Zealand, and the Arctic, with a strong focus on work in Washington State.

March 29: Dr. Shawn Narum | RECORDING
Dr. Shawn Narum is the Chief Scientist in the Fishery Science Department at Hagerman Genetics Lab for the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC). He has 20+ years of experience as lead geneticist with CRITFC and manages several studies of salmon and steelhead in the Columbia Basin. He oversees CRITFC’s genetics program and staff in Hagerman, Idaho. He received his PhD from the University of Idaho in 2006 and is an Adjunct Faculty member in the College of Natural Resources at the University of Idaho.

April 12: Dr. Jay Rotella
Dr. Jay Rotella is a Professor in the Department of Ecology at Montana State University. His work focuses on animal population ecology, modeling and estimation of population parameters, and effects of abiotic and biotic factors on population dynamics. His research includes both basic and applied topics that span from management of wild populations to life-history evolution.

Unfortunately, Dr. Rotella's seminar at UI was not recorded, but fortunately, he shared a 2021 recording of a seminar that includes a lot of the same content. This seminar was given to McMurdo support staff while they were in COVID 19 quarantine in New Zealand en route to McMurdo.| RECORDING

April 26: Dr. James Grace | RECORDING Passcode:R*SFrsA9
Dr. James Grace is a Senior Research Scientist at the USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center in Lafayette, Louisiana. Before joining the USGS, he was a professor at Louisiana State University and associate professor at the University of Arkansas. He is an ecologist whose work has focused on science methodology, particularly the use of structural equation modeling as a means of investigating complex, system-level hypotheses. In 2000, he received the millennium Meritorious Research Award from the Society of Wetland Scientists and in 2003 received the National Science Excellence Award from the U.S. Geological Survey. He was selected to be a Fellow of the Ecological Society of America and promoted to the Senior Scientist ranks in 2014. Since 2019 he has been designated as a ‘Highly-Cited Researcher’ by the Web of Science in recognition of his scientific impact during the past decade. In 2021 he received the Presidential Rank Award, which is given out by the President of the United States and is the highest performance award given to career senior scientists and administrators. He has published over 200 papers and reports, including 3 books, one on competitive interactions, one on community analysis, and one on structural equation modeling. As of 2020, Grace has given over 200 invited lectures and workshops in 9 countries during his career.

Past Seminar Series

January 29 - Lynne Barre - Branch Chief, Protected Resources Division, West Coast Region NOAA Fisheries | U.S. Department of Commerce. "Saving Southern Resident Orcas"
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Passcode: GD1X$4!a

February 5 – Karsten Heuer - Bison Reintroduction Project Manager, Banff National Park. “Reintroducing Bison to Banff National Park”
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Passcode: M@29f4J*

February 19th – Liba Pejchar (Goldstein) - Associate Professor Dept. of Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Biology, Colorado State University. “Pacific Islands in peril: restoring birds and seed dispersal in a dynamic world.”
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Passcode: 9@RhZD7G

March 26th – Aletris Neils – Executive Director of Conservation CATalyst. Integrating Ecological and Social Sciences to Foster Human-Carnivore Coexistence: Lessons from Namibia
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Passcode: 0$jwp3p&

April 9th – Kelly Zamudio – Professor Cornell University and Curator Museum of Herpetology. The amphibian-killing fungus in the Neotropics: pathogen virulence, host susceptibility, and frog conservation.
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Passcode: T?u$081W

April 23rd – Dan McNulty – Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University. "Deciphering the trophic effects of large carnivores in wildland food webs"
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Passcode: Nz4i?M*h

May 7th – Jason Dunham – Supervisory Research Ecologist, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center. "Climate vulnerability of streams and fish: working across scales and disciplines"
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Passcode: A3*x8q2+

January 24 – Kim Sager-Fradkin – Wildlife Program Manager, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Natural Resources, Port Angeles, WA. "From American dippers to cougars and from dam removal to subsistence harvest – the diverse wildlife program of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe.
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January 31 – Howard Quigley – Executive Director of Conservation Science and Director of the Jaguar Program at Panthera, Palouse, WA. “The making of a range-wide conservation program for an apex carnivore: jaguars as a global example."
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March 6 – Lisa Crozier – Research Scientist, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries, Seattle, WA. “Impacts of climate change on Pacific salmon.”

March 27 (CANCELLED) – Phaedra Budy – Unit Leader of the U.S. Geological Society, Utah Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Unit. “Understanding the direct and indirect effects of climate change and disturbance on arctic lake ecosystems.”

April 3 (CANCELLED) – Nalini Nadkarni – Professor, Department of Biology, University of Utah. “Tapestry thinking: Weaving academic knowledge with public engagement to promote forest conservation.

April 24 (CANCELLED) Dan MacNulty – Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University. “Deciphering the trophic effects of large carnivores in wildland food webs.”

May 1 (CANCELLED) Liba Pejchar (Goldstein)– Associate Professor, Department of Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Biology, Colorado State University. “Rare birds and seed dispersal: loss and recovery in the pacific islands.”

January 18 - Hannah Vander Zanden - Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Florida. "Decoding animal migration and ecology from stable isotope records"
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February 8 - Daniel Schindler - Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington. “From brown water to brown bears: how geomorphic features affect the ecological functioning of landscapes”
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March 22 - Kathryn Cottingham - Professor in Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College. "Cyanobacterial blooms in low nutrient lakes: things we’re learning from blooms happening in unexpected places"
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April 5 - Ed Bowles - Director of Fish Division, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. "Opportunities, tensions and sweet spots: pathways to resolve entrenched natural resource conflicts"
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April 12 - David Mattson - Alumnus of the University of Idaho and retired research scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey. "Reconceiving Recovery for Grizzly Bears",
Hosted by the Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society

April 19 - Andrew Rypel - Associate Professor, Fisheries Ecologist, Peter B. Moyle and California Trout Chair in Coldwater Fish Ecology, University of California. "California on the edge: using conservation science to forge a future for native fishes"
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April 26 - Patricia Kennedy - Professor Emeritus, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. "Novel Ecosystems: Conservation Tool or Cop-out?"
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September 14th - Stephen Blake - Saint Louis University, Department of Biology, "Why would a 600 pound Galapagos tortoise haul itself up and down a volcano every year?"
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October 5th - Tom Newsome - The University of Sydney, School of Life and Environmental Sciences. "Good or evil: What role for the dingo in Australia?"
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October 12th - Zach Penney - Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission,“Are we asking too much of Columbia Basin salmon?”
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October 26th - Jodi Hilty - President Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, “Yellowstone to Yukon: making the case for large landscape conservation”
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November 2nd - Merav Ben-David - University of Wyoming, “Who pushed the button? Sea ice declines and the energy balance of polar bears in the Southern Beaufort Sea”
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November 9th - Clint Muhlfeld - University of Montana and USGS NRMSC, “Trout in hot water: understanding climate change impacts on aquatic ecosystems in the Northern Rockies”
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November 30th - Lisa Eby Professor of Aquatic Ecology, University of Montana, "Winners and Losers in Rocky Mountain Streams: Revisiting Sites to Elucidate Impacts of Climate Change"
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February 9th – Scott Mills – Associate Vice President of Research for Global Change and Sustainability, Wildlife Professor University of Montana. “Seasonal camouflage hides animals while revealing possibilities for adapting to climate change”
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February 16th – Cory Williams – Assistant Professor of Biology, Institute of Arctic Biology, Alaska. “Keeping time in the land of the midnight sun: daily and seasonal rhythms of arctic ground squirrels”
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March 30th – Diane Evans Mack – Biologist, Idaho Department of Fish & Game. “Western States Wolverine Conservation Project: establishing a baseline of occupancy and genetics for the U.S. metapopulation”
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April 6th – John Marzluff – Professor of Wildlife Science, University of Washington. “Welcome to Subirdia”
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April 20th – Susan Lingle – Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Winnipeg. “When deer fight back: Predator-prey interactions as a window into behavior, ecology and animal minds”
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April 27th - Jonathan Armstrong – Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. “How fish and wildlife exploit shifting mosaics of habitat: examples from Alaska to Oregon”
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May 4th – Lonnie Gonsalves – Research Ecologist NOAA Maryland. “Making Waves in Ocean and Aquatic Sciences: Lessons Learned from my Early Career Days”
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September 15th – Frances Cassirer - Idaho Fish & Game (MS 1990)
“Wild sheep and pneumonia: the spillover effect” 
(Read More) | View the presentation

October 6th – Melanie MurphyUniv of Wyoming (BS 1998, MS 2001)
“From genes to landscapes - distribution and connectivity of species in a changing world”
(Read More) | (This presentation is currently unavailable.)

October 13th – Jeff Copeland – The Wolverine Foundation (BS 1979, MS 1996)
“Social ethology of the wolverine”
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October 20th – Doug Smith – National Park Service (BS 1985)
“The wolves of Yellowstone: The first twenty years”
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November 10th – Steve McMullin – Virginia Tech (BS 1978, MS 1979)
“Science, values and the backfire effect: why scientists need a paradigm shift in communication”
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November 17th – Greg Hayward – US Forest Service (MS 1983, PhD 1989)
“Science delivery and operationalizing conservation in management of federal working lands”
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December 8th – Jim Fredericks – Idaho Fish and Game (MS 1994)
“The importance and challenges of retaining a population level perspective in managing fish and wildlife”
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Contact Us

Fish and Wildlife Sciences

Physical Address:
975 W. 6th Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1136
Moscow, ID 83844-1136

Phone: 208-885-6434

Fax: 208-885-5534


Web: College of Natural Resources

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