Study Abroad
Is there a better reason to learn a language than to visit a foreign country yourself? Study abroad offers opportunities of a lifetime to travel, experience life and school somewhere else, and engage in educational exchange.
The International Programs Office offers various education abroad opportunities. Choose from great programs like USAC, ISA, ISEP, CIEE or a partner school program to visit countries in Asia. IPO offers programs in:
- Japan
- South Korea
- China
- India
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Vietnam
Study Abroad - Spring Break 2024
Hong Kong & Hanoi
Earn 3 credits of HIST 204: The History of Hong Kong
Learn more at the Info Session: Oct. 11, 4 p.m. in Admin 301
Please see the IPO Education Abroad’s search engine for more info on study abroad opportunities.

Financing Study Abroad
Study abroad can be more affordable than you think. There is a variety of programs so that students can find the program that best fits their educational goals and financial needs. Scholarships are also available through some departments, CLASS, the university and other organizations.
For more information and/or to find the best program for you, speak with your advisor and/or contact Education Abroad (