Submit Grant Proposals
Grant proposal information and resources for investigators who are interested in submitting grant applications through IHHE should contact the IHHE co-directors Shirley Luckhart and Ed Lewis to discuss the role(s) of IHHE in proposed, collaborative research/outreach/teaching activities. IHHE co-director(s) can be named in the grant as co-investigator(s) where appropriate, but specific roles can be determined through discussion (see below).
Initial inquiries to IHHE concerning the institute as a partner should be sent to Shirley Luckhart or Ed Lewis and contain the following:
- The Request for Applications or Request for Proposals (PDF or Link)
- Submission deadline
- A list of the PIs and Co-PIs (including external collaborators)
- A brief summary of the project (a short paragraph or the executive summary)
After reviewing the above items, we will schedule a meeting to discuss details of the partnership from the process of preparing and submitting the grant through post-funding activities. The role(s) of the IHHE would reflect a balance of the needs of the proposed work and the capacity and expertise of the IHHE within the context of the proposal budget.
Depending on the proposed work, the IHHE may contribute effort for direct costs; these funds would be allocated to the Institute to directly support this effort. This option would also involve either direct involvement of IHHE personnel in the proposed work or the use of IHHE facilities. Other projects will involve only indirect affiliation with the IHHE. PIs with projects submitted and funded through the IHHE can access accounting support through IHHE for those projects. These agreements are made possible by the July 2021 revision of the University of Idaho F&A distribution policy. Specifically, new awards that are affiliated in VERAS with an institute will have F&A distributed as follows: 50% to Central – 25% to College(s) of PI(s) – 25% to the affiliated Institute. This compares with proposals not affiliated with an institute, with returned F&A distributed as 75% to Central – 25% to College(s) of PI(s).
Proposal submission policy
Anyone eligible to be a PI on a proposal can submit through the IHHE. For proposals that are collaborative and/or have subawards or contracts, we ask that the request be made no later than four weeks prior to the sponsor’s deadline. For all other submissions, the request should be made at least three weeks prior to the sponsor’s deadline.
Submitting a grant proposal in VERAS to be affiliated with the IHHE
If you choose to affiliate your grant proposal with IHHE in VERAS, you will need to check the appropriate box in the “Affiliation with University-Level Research Institute” section of VERAS for the IHHE. Checking this box will not change the amount of F&A returned from your grant to your college and department.
You can affiliate your proposal with more than one institute if appropriate by checking more than one institute.
We look forward to hearing from you and are happy to consider ways that we can support U of I research in all aspects of health in complex ecosystems.
Commonly used resources
These are U of I resources and are available to all.