All-Nations LSAMP
All Nations Alliance for Minority Participation (ANAMP) is focused on increasing the number of Native American students successfully completing degrees in STEM fields. This program is in partnership with Salish Kootenai College as a part of the Louis Stokes STEM Pathway and Research Alliance (LSAMP).
The Louis Stokes STEM Pathways and Research Alliance: All Nations AMP (ANAMP)
The All Nations AMP (ANAMP) is a program funded by the National Science Foundation aimed at supporting Native American students in successfully completing degrees in STEM fields.
- Provides direct participant support.
- Works in collaboration with 35 partner colleges and universities, forming a geographically diverse alliance.
- Financial stipends.
- Conference travel assistance.
- Research opportunities.
Open to students enrolled in qualified STEM degree programs at ANAMP partner institutions.
Bridge to Doctorate Program
The NSF Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (NSF-LSAMP) Bridge to Doctorate fellowship program, in a partnership with the All-Nations LSAMP program, assists with funding for eligible Native American doctoral students.
Participating students choose their STEM-based field and pair up with professors with matching expertise. Students and their professors are encouraged to integrate traditional ecological knowledge, an indigenous way of seeing science and the environment, into their studies. Learn more about the Bridge to Doctorate program.
For more information please visit the All-Nations Alliance for Minority Participation (ANAMP) or Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority (LSAMP).