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6400 - Academic Adjustment and Accommodation of Students with Disabilities


  • Position: Director, Center for Disability and Accessibility Resources
  • Email:

Last updated: January 01, 2007


A. Policy
B. Rights and Obligations of the University
C. Obligations of Students
D. Appeals of Academic Adjustments and Accommodations

A. POLICY. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended (Section 504) prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. No qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of such disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity provided, sponsored, offered, or required by the University of Idaho. The university shall operate its programs and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate. This policy is issued in compliance with the ADA and Section 504 and is intended and shall be construed to afford the protections and rights provided by those laws.


B-1. The university will operate each service, program, or activity so that the service, program, or activity, when viewed in its entirety, is readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.

a. The university will make such reasonable modifications to its academic requirements as are necessary to ensure that such requirements do not discriminate, or have the effect of discriminating, on the basis of disability, against a qualified student with a disability. Modifications to its academic requirements may include changes in the length of time permitted for the completion of degree requirements, alternate testing methods, substitution of specific courses required for the completion of degree requirements, and adaptation of the manner in which specific courses are conducted.

b. In addition, the university will take such steps as are necessary to ensure that no qualified student with a disability is denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under the education programs or activities operated by the university because of the absence of educational auxiliary aids for students with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills. Auxiliary aids or services may include texts in alternate format, interpreters or other effective methods of making orally delivered materials available to students with hearing impairments, classroom equipment adapted for use by students with manual impairments, and other similar services and actions. The university need not provide attendants, individually prescribed devices, readers for personal use or study, or other devices or services of a personal nature.

B-2. The university is not necessarily required to make each of its existing facilities accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, nor is it required to take any action that it can demonstrate would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of a service, program, or activity or undue financial and administrative burdens. Further, academic requirements that the university can demonstrate are essential to the program of instruction being pursued by a qualified student with a disability will not be regarded as discriminatory for purposes of this policy.

B-3. The university will provide notice to students that appropriate modifications to academic requirements may be made and that educational auxiliary aids are available.

B-4. The university will make certain that students can obtain specific information about modifications to academic requirements, educational auxiliary aids, and services available to students with disabilities and how to apply for them, from Disability Support Services. The information will include the location of and processes for obtaining such modifications, aids, and services. Such information will be available in a format or manner that is accessible to the student.

B-5. Determinations regarding modifications to academic requirements, the provision of educational auxiliary aids, and the provision of other services available to students with disabilities are made on a case-by-case basis after individualized inquiry. In making these determinations, the university will endeavor to maintain the academic integrity of its programs.

B-6. The university will provide applicants for admission with the opportunity to disclose a disability for the purpose of special admissions consideration, while avoiding making pre-admission inquiry regarding the existence of a disability.

B-7. The university will inform applicants for admission of the availability of services and assistance for students with disabilities and how to obtain them.

B-8. The university will make a reasonable effort to provide interim modifications to academic requirements and/or interim auxiliary aids while a person's application for aids or services is being reviewed. The provision of such interim modifications or aids does not obligate the university to continue providing them or any other modifications or aids if it is determined that the individual is not entitled to them.

B-9. The student must submit written documentation from a licensed physician, psychologist, or health care professional of the nature of the student's disability and the functional limitations imposed by the disability (in an academic setting), as well as suggestions for modifications to academic requirements and appropriate educational auxiliary aids. Such documentation is submitted to Disability Support Services or elsewhere as directed by the university.

B-10. The university will take appropriate measures to see that information submitted by a student pursuant to this policy remains confidential to the extent permitted by law.

B-11. The university will notify students of the university's policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability and of steps a student may take if he or she believes discrimination has taken place or if a request for a modification or auxiliary aid has been wrongly denied. [Please see section D]

B-12. New construction and remodeling projects will comply with Federal and State laws regarding access.

B-13. Off-campus programs, activities, and services will be in compliance with applicable federal and state law.

B-14. Admissions or placement tests offered by the university.

a. Those admission or placement tests offered by the university that are designed for persons with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills will be offered as often and in as timely a manner as are other such tests.

b. Admission and placement tests will be selected and administered so as best to ensure that, when a test is administered to an applicant who has a disability that impairs sensory, manual, or speaking skills, the test results accurately reflect the applicant's aptitude or achievement level, or whatever other factor the test purports to measure, rather than the applicant's impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills (except where those skills are the factors that the test purports to measure).

c. Such tests will be administered in a location that is accessible to disabled persons.

B-15. Insurance plans and health care services provided by the university will comply with the ADA and Section 504.

B-16. The university will develop, disseminate, and periodically review procedures for assisting students with disabilities promptly and safely to exit buildings during emergencies.

C. OBLIGATIONS OF STUDENTS. Students who have a disability are responsible for requesting modifications to academic requirements, educational auxiliary aids, and other disability-related services in a timely manner.

C-1. In making such requests, a student will provide in a timely manner written documentation from a licensed physician, psychologist, or health care professional of the nature and extent of the student's disability and the functional limitations it imposes (in an academic setting), as well as suggestions for modifications to academic requirements and appropriate educational auxiliary aids, to Disability Support Services. Because some services may require extensive time to arrange, these offices should receive such requests at least six weeks prior to the beginning of the semester during which the modification, aid, or service will be needed. Students must recognize that lack of sufficient advance notice may delay the availability of the modification, aid, or service.

C-2. A student must provide such additional documentation as the university may reasonably require to determine the nature and extent of the disability, the functional limitations it imposes, and the appropriateness of the modifications, aids, and services requested.

C-3. A student seeking modifications to academic requirements or auxiliary aids or services is expected to actively participate with the university in identifying the most appropriate modification, aid or service, and to maintain contact in a timely manner with the offices that are attempting to provide assistance.

C-4. A student is to promptly notify the Disability Support Services of any problems in receiving agreed-upon modifications, aids, or services.

C-5. A hold may be made on a student's academic record for outstanding equipment that has been loaned.

D. APPEALS OF ACADEMIC ADJUSTMENTS AND ACCOMMODATIONS. If a student has concerns or complaints about the university's compliance with this policy in regard to educational auxiliary aids or other services, the student is to first contact the Disability Support Services Coordinator who will make a decision. This decision may be appealed to the Dean of Students. If a student has concerns or complaints about modifications to academic requirements, the student is to first contact the administrator of the academic department involved who will make a decision. This decision may be appealed to the dean of the college.

Version History

Amended 2007. Editorial changes.

Amended 2004. Editorial changes.

Adopted July 1996.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
