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40.22 - Nuisance Animals


  • Position: Director, Facilities
  • Email:

Last updated: April 01, 2018

Preamble: The University of Idaho is sensitive to issues surrounding the control of nuisance animals and pests, but is committed to the safety of its students, employees, and guests and the preservation of its buildings and grounds. Programs have been established to provide effective remediation and oversight of controls for removal of nuisance animals and pests.


A. Definitions
B. Policy
C. Contact Information

A. Definitions.

A-1. Nuisance Animal. A nuisance animal is defined as any animal, generally larger than a mouse, on University property not directly involved in teaching, research, demonstration, or testing which poses a risk of disease or injury to people or poses a risk of damaging University property. Properly accompanied and controlled animals such as service animals, dogs in training and animals accompanied by handlers in compliance with APM 95.16 are not addressed in this section.

B. Policy. The university utilizes an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program to control insects and nuisance animals in and around the main Moscow campus buildings and in the campus landscape. The IPM program requires the consideration of all available control options including cultural modifications, structural and habitat modifications, trapping, and chemical treatments among others. Interior and building nuisance insect and animal incursions and landscape nuisance insect and animal issues are managed and authorized by Facilities Management. Outside contractors may be used for either remediation activity.

Colleges, extension offices, research farms, and other research entities, located off the Moscow main campus, will be contacted to confirm the name of local designees responsible for managing and reporting on nuisance animal management concerns for their area of control. Local designees must comply with this policy as well as all local, state, and federal guidelines concerning processes used, and file an annual report of actions taken under their local nuisance animal control program.

B-1. Hunting, fishing, trapping, snaring, baiting of any campus wildlife or nuisance animals on the main campus is strictly prohibited unless such activity is for educational and research purposes (see B-2 below). Educational and research activities are allowed as long as prior written authorization is received from Facilities before an activity of this nature is started. Facilities authorization may include and be conditioned on implementation of any necessary safety measures to accommodate the proposed activity.

B-2. Live trapping of pets or nuisance animals if not for research and educational purposes and authorized pursuant to B-1 above, is allowed only if Facilities authorizes such action. Local animal control agencies, outside contractors, or Facilities staff may be involved depending on circumstances. In the case of a pet, the pet owner will have to install and monitor any traps with Facilities permission and oversight. Facilities must be notified and must authorize any live trapping activity prior to placement of any trap on the main campus. Prior authorization is required so that all involved campus entities can be notified of this event and so contact information is available if questions or problems arise from the trapping.

Note: (While cats and birds are allowed by Family Housing Policy, neither are allowed to roam free outside of the resident’s domicile. For more detailed information on the University Residences Pet Policy, contact Housing at 885-6571 or read the current policy on the University Housing website.)

B-3. Feeding of wildlife or nuisance animals is strictly prohibited because of ongoing safety and health issues, nuisance insect and animal population increases around campus buildings, and damage to landscape plant materials from increased and non-sustainable insect, wildlife, and nuisance animal populations.

B-4. Animals used for education and research. In addition to any of the requirements in this policy, all use of animals for education and research must be approved by the University’s Animal Care and Use Committee (see FSH 1640.12).

C. Contact Information. For nuisance animal queries or to arrange for inspection of a site or authorization for using control measures, please contact Facilities at (208) 885-6246 or email your query to

Version History

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
