Our Contributors
Thank you to these generous contributors who have made donations to the Auditorium Chamber Music Series over the past few seasons
(Recognized at their highest level of giving):
Concert Sponsor ($2500+)
Ronald and Jo Ellen Force
Ann Marie and Robert McGee
Gretchen Wissner and Jim Miller
Joanne Reece and William Voxman
Sustainer ($1000+)
Gail DeSantis
Sara Pepper and Sanford Eigenbrode
Mary Jo and Joel Hamilton
Mary DuPree and Mark Hume
Barbara Meldrum
Ellen Thiem
Benefactor ($500+)
Catherine and Nolan Anderson
Willy and Janice Brandal
Ernest and Charlene Brannon
Karen and Donald Burnett
Sid and Renee Eder
Shannon Scott and Leonard Garrison
Jack and Jan Keller
Jay Mauchley
Deborah McLaughlin
Kristen McMullin
Bruce and Rebecca Miller
Kent Nelson
Mark and Barbra Nielsen
Pat Hine and Jim Reece
Virginia and William Royalty
Vanessa and Vern Sielert
Dale Moore and Bill Sischo
Jeanne Stevenson
Patron ($250+)
Gerri Sayler and Kenton Bird
Helen Bobisud
Janice Boughton and Mac Cantrell
Michelle Connelly
Duane and Janet DeTemple
Flip and JoElla Kleffner
Suzanne Kurtz
Stanton and Lucille Linden
Giselle Hillyer and Roger McVey
Christine Moffitt
Randal and Lisa Ormond
Jeanne Leffingwell and James Reid
LaRae Rhoads
Ann Taylor
Bill and Frances Thompson
Nancy Luebbert and James Wallis
Richard and Barbara Wells
William and Linda Wharton
Alice Fadner and Tom Woodrum
Supporter ($125+)
Carol Albrecht
Elizabeth Blakesley
Constance Brumm
Alton and Janet Campbell
Joseph and Carol Cloud
Kevin and Sandra Cooper
Louise Davison
Ruth Funabiki
President C. Scott Green
Christopher and Janet McIntosh
John McIver
Philip and Charlotte Mohan
James and Karen Murphy
Cynthia Nichols
John and Jennifer O’Laughlin
Alice Spitzer and Michael Owen
Diane Baumgart and Myron Schreck
Keith and Mary Stormo
Friend ($50+)
Theodore Albrecht
David Barber
Erol and Alice Barbut
Barry and Ann-Marie Bilderback
Dean and Linda Edwards
Linda Jovanovich
Margaret Kelley
Kelly Kennaly
Michael and Jenny Kostroff
David and Ginger Rankin
Dan and Patricia Rathmann
Nels and Joyce Reese
Matthew and Doris Rice
Jeanne Steinhoff
Scot and Lea Wherland
Miranda Wilson
Guy and Diane Worthey
If your name is missing or you would like to discuss giving opportunities, please email chmusic@uidaho.edu.