Idaho Young Cattle Producer Conference
The Idaho Young Cattle Producer Conference provides young cattle producers an opportunity to receive in-depth information on the cattle industry in Idaho. The program is offered annually to 20 producers between the age of 18 and 40. Conference registration is free. Participants must cover the cost of travel and lodging.
June 24-26 | Lewiston
The conference will include speakers from the packing, feedlot, stocker, cow-calf and purebred industries. Industry leaders will discuss current issues facing the cattle industry and how to overcome them. A cattle marketing panel, a meat cutting demonstration and information about financing a cattle operation and utilizing risk management tools will also be offered.
Day two of the conference will include a tour of the local cattle industry where participants will visit purebred and commercial cattle ranches, a feedlot and packing plant, and will learn about innovative range management practices, endangered species issues and much more.
- Interested in attending? Fill out our online application. Applications are due May 15. Those selected to participate will be notified by the end of May.
- Visit our about page to view previous conference agendas and class photos.
- Interested in being a sponsor of the Idaho YCC? Visit to learn more.

For more information, or if you know someone who would benefit from this outstanding educational opportunity, please contact Meranda Small at 208-983-2667 or, or contact your local UI Extension office.