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3710 - Leave Policies for All Employees


  • Position: Director of Human Resources
  • Email:

Last updated: January 01, 2022

A. General
B. Annual Leave
C. Sick Leave
D. Holidays
E. Parenting Leave
F. Military Leave
G. Leave for Court Required Service and Voting
H. Leave for Campaigning for or Service in Public Office
I. Administrative Leave
J. Academic Transitional Leave
K. Shared Leave
L. Family Medical Leave
M. Service member Family and Medical Leave
N. Personal Leave
O. Leave for Professional Improvement
P. Exceptions


A-1. The University of Idaho (hereinafter referred to as university) strives to offer leave programs that are both comprehensive and flexible to meet employee needs. Leave with or without pay is extended to employees under a variety of circumstances described below. Exceptions may be granted in special circumstances [see R below; APM 55.09, 55.07, 55.38; FSH 3120, 3720 and 6230]

A-2. The term “leave” refers to an employee’s absence from duty. Each leave type as contained in this policy discusses circumstances in which such an absence may be continued with pay when leave accruals are available or when leave is approved without pay. Certain types of leave may require or provide options to take one leave concurrent with another. For example, sick and annual leave may be taken or may be required to be taken concurrently with other types of leave. All leaves are subject to approval.

A-3. Unless otherwise noted, for purposes of this policy, “immediate family member” includes: your spouse, your child, parent, brother, sister, grandparent, and these same relationships of a spouse, by marriage, adoption, or foster arrangement. An immediate family member may also include an individual who has assumed a similar relationship to those above, other than the relationship of spouse*, and for whom the employee or the individual has had financial responsibility for the other. An immediate family member also may include any individual who is a qualified dependent under IRS regulations. The university reserves the right to request documentation establishing financial responsibility or qualifying status as an IRS dependent. Federal FMLA criteria will be used in determining “immediate family member”.

*Due to the 2006 “marriage amendment” to the Idaho Constitution the university, despite the wishes of the Faculty Senate, is unable to include domestic partnerships.

A-4. Separation from employment or the term terminating employee refers to an employee’s separation from all employment.

A-5. A break in State of Idaho service is defined as job termination that is separated by at least three business days prior to re-employment with the university or any other State of Idaho employer.

A-6. Full and part-time employees are eligible for some or all leaves discussed in this policy.

a. Benefit-eligible employees are those who hold a board-appointed position [FSH 3080] and are employed at least half time or greater.

b. Individuals who are employed at least half time or greater as temporary help (TH) and who are expected to complete five months or more of continuous university service and are eligible to participate in the Public Employers Retirement Plan for Idaho (PERSI) are eligible for limited benefits, including annual leave, sick leave and pay for holidays on which they do not work [FSH 3090].

A-7. Leave may not be taken in advance of accrual and may not be taken in excess of 80 hours in a pay period.

A-8. Leave may not be taken on an employee’s first day of employment. If an employee is unable to report for work on their specified first day of employment; employment will not begin until the first day that the employee reports for active duty.

A-9. All employees, including faculty and exempt employees, are responsible for recording all leave taken on bi-weekly time reports and complying with the terms of leave policies, including, but not limited to:

a. completing application for leave with supervisor or Human Resources as appropriate and providing any medical evidence to HR and other requested information;

b. abiding by any and all return-to-work restrictions; and

c. returning to work following expiration of approved leave.

Failure to uphold these responsibilities may result in absence without approved leave. Eligibility to preserve employment may be affected and/or the employee may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination from employment as provided in appropriate university policies [FSH 3910, 3920 and 3930].

A-10. Exempt employees (full-time 40 hours per week expectation per FLSA) who work at least four hours in a day will be paid regular pay for the full day. If they work fewer than four hours, the difference will be charged to the appropriate accrued leave. If the employee is on approved Family and Medical Leave (FML) they must report each hour missed.

Employees who are not exempt from earning overtime accrual or payments shall record all approved absences in 1/4-hour increments, except when time loss has been made up through an approved flexible schedule.

A-11. Absent written agreement to the contrary, an eligible employee typically earns credit toward retirement plan vesting (see your PERSI, IORP or federal retirement plan document for details) and earns annual and sick leave accruals during the portion of any leave that is paid, except that sick and annual leave do not accrue in some circumstances during administrative leave. See I-7. An employee typically will not be given such credit for any periods of unpaid leave.

A-12. No break in service will occur during any approved paid or unpaid leave for the purposes of determining eligibility for retiree health benefits.

A-13. Attendance at work is a job requirement for all positions at the university. Excessive absenteeism can affect job performance and the employee may be subject to disciplinary action.

A-14. Departmental administrators are responsible for approving and ensuring the reporting of leave, via Banner, taken by the employees in their respective units. For procedures regarding reporting and monitoring leave see APM 55.09. The Banner system and Human Resources records are the official university leave records.

A-15. Human Resources is responsible for coordinating requests and reviewing compliance with all types of leave other than sick, annual and medical appointment leave discussed in this section. [APM 55.09]

B. ANNUAL LEAVE. (Available to UI employees listed in A-6 (a) and A-6 (b) as described in Section B)

B-1. Employees receive annual leave based on their classification of employment. [FSH 3080]

a. Classified Employees on full-time fiscal-year appointments accrue annual leave based on hours worked at the rate of approximately 3.7 hours bi-weekly for the first five full years of service, with a maximum accumulation of 192 hours; 4.6 hours bi-weekly up to 10 years of service, with a maximum accumulation of 240 hours; 5.5 hours bi-weekly up to 15 years of service with a maximum accumulation of 288 hours; and 6.5 hours bi-weekly for more than 15 years of service with a maximum accumulation of 336 hours. [RGP II.E.3; FSH 3080; APM 55.09]

b. Faculty on full-time fiscal-year appointments and exempt employees, including postdoctoral fellows, accrue annual leave at the rate of 7.4 hours bi-weekly and may accumulate a maximum of 240 hours. [RGPP II.F.3, FSH 3080, APM 55.09]

c. Faculty who hold academic-year appointments do not accrue annual leave. Their periods of obligation and leave are governed primarily by the academic calendar, subject to stipulation by the employee’s dean. [FSH 3120]

B-2. Annual leave for classified and exempt appointment of less than 100% full-time, but equal to or greater than half-time, is accrued based on hours worked and at a rate based on the employee’s classification [B-1]. No annual leave is accrued for less than half-time service.

B-3. Temporary employees who are eligible for PERSI accrue annual leave beginning on the first day of employment in an eligible position at a rate of .04625 times hours worked within each bi-week.

B-4. Annual leave accrual is temporarily suspended when the accumulation reaches the maximum allowance. Once the leave accumulation drops below the allowed maximum, accruals resume.

B-5. Employees eligible for overtime earn overtime based on only hours worked. There is no overtime accrual based on annual leave, sick leave, compensatory time, holidays or any other paid time off.

B-6. Annual leave continues to accrue while on any paid leave, except that annual leave does not accrue on hours of compensatory time used; during academic transitional leave [J] or for temporary employees who accrue annual leave based only on hours worked.

B-7. At the employee’s option, accrued annual leave may be used during any approved leave that could otherwise be taken as sick leave.

B-8. Annual leave must be scheduled in advance and requested in writing by the employee. Annual leave may not be taken without the supervisor’s written approval. Both the employee’s vacation preference and business needs of the unit must be considered in establishing mutually agreed periods of leave [APM 55.09].

a. Supervisors are responsible for coordinating and approving requests for annual leave of all employees in their respective units.

b. An employee on approved annual leave, who becomes eligible to use sick leave through unforeseen events, may use sick leave in lieu of annual leave. Documentation to support the use of sick leave may be required.

B-9. Annual leave balances are paid to employees upon separation (i.e. resignation, retirement layoff, non-renewal, termination) from all State of Idaho employment [I.C. 67-5334]. Leave balances are transferred from the university to other State of Idaho employers when the university employment ends and a new position is accepted with any State of Idaho employer when there is no break in state service [A-5]. However, the university reserves the right to require an employee to exhaust some or all annual leave prior to any job or employment separation.

Employees funded on grants or contracts are expected to use all earned annual leave during the appointment before expiration of the grant(s) or contract(s). Employees separating employment upon the expiration or termination of a grant or contract, will be required to use annual leave before their last day of employment.

In the event of an employee’s death, payment is made to the employee’s estate.

The effective date of the employee’s separation is the last day on which the employee reports to work for the university, unless Human Resources has approved a written request for alternative termination arrangements that are in the best interests of the university.

In the event that an academic administrator transitions from a position eligible for annual leave to a faculty position in which annual leave does not accrue, balances should be exhausted prior to the start of the new appointment. Leave balances that cannot be used will be carried forward. If not used, the balance of unused annual leave will be paid at the time of separation of all State of Idaho service. Carry forward of annual leave balances exceeding 80 hours must be approved in advance by Human Resources.

B-10. Any individual, regardless of type of appointment, with an annual leave balance who transfers or who is reassigned to another unit within the university may be required to exhaust all existing annual leave prior to starting the new assignment.

B-11. Payment in lieu of annual leave taken for any reason other than separation from employment is granted only by exception or under other special circumstances within the business needs of the university.

B-12. Eligibility requirements for annual leave for temporary help (TH) can be found in FSH 3090.

C. SICK LEAVE. (Available to UI employees listed in A-6 (a) and A-6 (b) as described in Section C)

C-1. Employees that work at least 40 hours in a bi-weekly pay period for at least five consecutive months accrue sick leave. Accrual is approximately 3.7 hours bi-weekly for full-time service. [FSH 3090 C]

C-2. Sick leave accumulation for half-time but less than full-time service is accrued proportionately based on hours worked and earned at the rate of .04625 for each hour worked.

C-3. Sick-leave may be accumulated without limit.

C-4. Sick leave cannot be taken in advance of accrual. If, at the end of a bi-weekly pay cycle, absences exceed sick leave accumulation, the hours will be charged to compensatory time first, if available, and then to annual leave. If there is no leave accumulation, time will be unpaid.

C-5. Sick leave continues to accrue while on any paid leave, except for hours of compensatory time used and during academic transitional leave [J].

C-6. Sick leave may not be used in lieu of annual leave, except when the conditions of B-8. b. above have been met.

C-7. Sick leave may be taken only as follows:

a. Illness or Serious Medical Condition of Employee. An employee’s own illness, injury, or childbirth that prevents the employee from performing their assigned duties; or in the event of exposure to contagious disease if, in the opinion of responsible authority, the health of others would be jeopardized in the work place.

b. Illness or Serious Medical Condition of an Immediate Family Member. When the illness, injury, or childbirth of an immediate family member as defined in A-3 of this policy requires the attendance of another, the employee may use their own available sick leave.

c. Death of an Immediate Family Member. In the event of a death of an immediate family member as defined in A-3 of this policy; up to 15 days of sick leave may be used immediately following the event, but can be extended if there are special circumstances. The unit administrator and Human Resources may approve an extension of leave for up to a total of 30 days of sick leave.

d. Death of a Family Member. Sick leave usage for the death of a family member other than a member of the immediate family as defined in A-3 of this policy is limited to a maximum of five days of sick leave immediately following the event.

e. Medical Appointments. Personal or family appointments for medical, dental, optical treatment or examination, or meeting with an Employee Assistance Program professional, including time for travel to and from such appointments. An employee is allowed up to two hours of time off per month for such appointments without charge to sick leave provided prior notification was provided to the employee’s supervisor regarding the needed time away (medical information need not be shared only the need for leave). If the employee has absences totaling more than two hours in a month, such absences must be reported and charged to sick leave. There is no carryover balance from month-to-month.

f. Parenting/Adoption/Fostering. All eligible employees are entitled to use sick leave for parenting, adoption, and fostering as provided in E. Parenting Leave.

g. Organ Donation. Full-time employees may use up to five workdays of prior approved organ donation leave to serve as a bone marrow donor and may use up to 30 workdays of prior approved organ donation leave to serve as a human organ donor. Documentation must be provided to Human Resources in advance of the use of Bone Marrow or Organ Donation leave. Bone Marrow or Organ Donation leave does not reduce the employee’s leave balances and is with continued pay and benefits up to the limits noted. Additional leave may be requested through an approved family medical [L] or personal [N] leave.

C-8. Documentation may be required to be submitted to Human Resources to support absences. Absences that occur during an approved family medical leave [L] are exempt from these requirements.

C-9. The federal Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) was adopted as law to protect the best interest and job security of employees. The university may initiate family medical leave (FML) and will apply FML concurrently with sick leave when the employee’s own illness, work-related injuries, or an illness of a family member is covered by FML.

C-10. An employee may be eligible for FML after three (3) consecutive days of sick leave, unpaid or other absence [L-4] and may initiate a request for FML at any time prior to an absence which they suspect may qualify. However, the university may also initiate FML and will typically take steps to determine if an absence qualifies as FML when an employee has missed five consecutive workdays or longer by providing the employee with a medical certification form and FML application. A failure to comply with a request to complete and return the medical certification form and the FML application may result in absence without pay and/or disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment (see FSH 3910, 3920 and 3930).

C-11. Employees transferring without a break in service from a qualified Idaho state agency or from the university to another state agency will be credited with their accrued sick leave by the receiving agency. All unused sick leave is forfeited when an employee is separated from state service. No compensation is made for such unused leave, except as provided in C-12 in the case of employees who are retiring from the university. If an employee returns to state service or to the university within three years after separation, sick leave forfeited at the time of separation will be reinstated.

C-12. Employees who retire and then return to work at the university may not be entitled to reinstatement of sick leave balances. In this instance, only the unused portion of sick leave that was converted at the time of retirement [C-13 and FSH 3730 ] to pay for retiree health benefits may be reinstated for employees who separate for retirement purposes and later return to work at the university.

C-13. An employee who retires under the eligibility conditions for retirement as stated in FSH 3730 may apply a pre-determined amount of unused sick leave accrued since July 1, 1976, as payment for continued coverage under the university retiree health program. [FSH 3730, APM 55.39]

D. HOLIDAYS. (Available to UI employees listed in A-6.a and A-6.b as described in Section D)

D-1. The university is closed at least 11 holidays each fiscal year. [FSH 3460 F-2]

D-2. Benefit-eligible employees [A-6.a.] who are employed full time (87.5 percent or greater) receive holiday pay based on eight hours for each holiday. An employee who works a compressed work schedule to include more than eight hours each day, such as four 10-hour workdays in one week, will still receive only eight hours of holiday pay. With supervisor approval, the employee may make up the difference between their regular hours of work and the holiday pay for that day (two hours in this example) through a flexible work schedule within the same work week [FSH 3460], or may use accrued compensatory time or annual leave, or take the time as unpaid.

D-3. Benefit-eligible employees [A-6.a.] who are employed at least half time but less than full-time, are entitled to receive holiday pay, pro-rated based on the average number of hours scheduled each week. The number of hours scheduled on a routine basis (not the hours worked in the week in which the holiday falls) is divided by five days. For example:

Average of 20 hours worked per week / 5 days = 4 hours of holiday pay

Average of 25 hours worked per week / 5 days = 5 hours of holiday pay

Average of 30 hours worked per week / 5 days = 6 hours of holiday pay

D-4. The university embraces diversity and recognizes that our workforce is derived from many diverse cultures to include many different religious preferences. An individual may be absent from work to observe a religious holiday consistent with the individual’s own religious beliefs and practices when the day is not consistent with the university’s official holidays, provided advance notice is given. Pay for these absences are as follows:

a. Benefit-eligible employees may use their accrued compensatory time or annual leave to receive pay for an observed religious holiday that is not an official university holiday.

b. Employees who are not benefit-eligible, or who do not have compensatory or annual leave available, may observe the holiday without pay, or, with advance supervisory approval, employees may make up the hours in the same work week [FSH 3460].

D-5. Benefit-eligible employees are entitled to holiday pay while they are on other approved paid leave, or during any portion of paid or unpaid family medical leave. Employees on unpaid extended leave are not entitled to holiday pay.

E. PARENTING LEAVE (paid or unpaid). Parenting leave is available to UI employees listed in A-6 (a) who also meet the specific eligibility criteria as described in Section L. Parenting Leave is Family and Medical Leave. FMLA allows for 480 hours of unpaid leave for a full-time employee. Eligible University of Idaho employees may use up to 432 hours (prorated for less than full time employees) of Family and Medical Leave as paid parenting leave due to the birth, adoption, or foster placement of the child.

E-1. Definitions.

a. “Parenting” is defined as the period of bonding that occurs within the first 12 months of the birth, adoption or foster placement of a child in the family.

b. “Parenting Leave” is leave taken by an employee under section E to bond with a child within the first 12 months of the birth, adoption or foster placement of the child in the family. Parenting leave is separate and distinct from medical leave taken by a birth mother related to serious health conditions associated with pregnancy and childbirth and from medical leave taken by either parent to care for a child with a serious health condition. See Family Medical Leave Section L-1 for the relationship of Parenting Leave under this Section E and Family Medical Leave under Section L of this FSH 3710.

c. Child for purposes of this policy means a biological son or daughter, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis, who is either under age 18, or age 18 or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability.

E-2. Employees are eligible for paid Parenting Leave if they meet the criteria under L-3. Parenting Leave used under Section E provides some compensation for Parenting Leave under Family Medical Leave and is Family Medical Leave.

a. Eligible employees will receive a maximum of 432 hours (full-time employees) of paid parenting leave for the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child that must be used within 12 weeks immediately after the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child. Eligible employees working less than full time will receive a pro-rated portion of paid parenting leave corresponding to the percentage of hours they normally are scheduled to work.

b. An employee may not receive more than 12 weeks of (paid or unpaid) parenting leave in a rolling 12-month period. Multiple births or adoptions within 12 months do not increase the length of parenting leave. Employees may use paid parenting leave continuously for up to 12 weeks or as a predefined reduced work schedule as long as it is used within 12 weeks of the birth or adoption of the child. Employees may not use paid parenting leave intermittently. Adoptive or foster parents are not entitled to use more than 12 weeks of parenting leave in a rolling 12-month period but are exempt from the continuous leave requirement if the adoption is not final.

c. Paid parenting leave is compensated using up to the maximum allotted paid parenting leave balance (432 hours for full time) in the first 12 weeks following the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child. Paid parenting leave will be paid on regularly scheduled pay dates.

d. Paid parenting leave shall run concurrently with leave under the FMLA. Any leave taken under this policy that falls under the definition of circumstances qualifying for leave due to the birth or adoption or foster placement of a child, will be counted toward the 12 weeks of available FMLA leave for a 12-month period. The employee must apply for and use Parenting Leave/FMLA.

e. If a holiday occurs while an employee is on parenting leave, such day will be coded to holiday pay and will not count towards the employee’s parenting leave entitlement or FMLA hours. If the employee is on parenting leave/FMLA when the University authorizes paid administrative or emergency closure leave due to inclement weather and/or an office closure, that time will be recorded as parenting leave/FMLA. Administrative and emergency closure leave will not extend the parenting leave entitlement.

E-3. If both parents are employees of the university and eligible for FMLA leave under Section L, the leave must be shared between parents and not exceed 480 hours (12 weeks) of total leave (paid or unpaid).

E-4. Employees can use parenting leave as outlined or choose to use a combination of accrued paid leave or unpaid leave if all other leave is exhausted (See Section N regarding use of unpaid leave). Any leave taken under sections E or L that falls under the definition of circumstances qualifying for leave due to the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child is FMLA leave. See section L for FMLA criteria. Unpaid leave will be considered in accordance with FMLA and other applicable federal and state laws.

E-5. Parenting Leave shall be applied for through Benefit Services. When the need for Parenting Leave is foreseeable, an employee must request an application at least 30 days in advance of the need for leave. When events are not foreseeable, employees must provide as much notice as is possible. If an employee is eligible for FMLA leave under Section L, the Parenting Leave described in this section E is intended to encompass the university’s obligation to provide Family Medical Leave under the federal Family Medical Leave Act. See Section L for return-to-work requirements following approved leave.

E-6. Health benefits continue during Parenting Leave on the same basis as for any similarly-situated employee who is actively at work, regardless of whether the employee is using other forms of accrued leave or taking leave unpaid. The employee’s share of cost for health coverage is the amount that is typically payroll-deducted for the employee’s own coverage and/or coverage for the employee’s dependents. The employee is responsible for payment of these amounts during leave. Payroll deductions will be continued for any portion of the leave that is paid. During any portion of leave when no pay is received, the employee must make arrangements to self-pay these amounts. Retirement plan contributions, leave accruals, and credit toward vesting are suspended during unpaid portions of Parenting Leave.

E-7. Upon return from Parenting Leave, employees will be assigned to their same or similar position with equivalent pay and status.

E-8. Leave may not be used for both foster care and adoption consecutively if foster placement leads to the adoption of the child.

E-9. Alternate or reduced work schedules are addressed in FSH 3710 L-13.b.

E-10. See FSH 3710 R-1 for exceptions to university leave policies.

F. MILITARY LEAVE. When an employee goes on military leave it is not considered a break in service. (Available to all UI employees as described in Section F)

F-1. Faculty and staff, regardless of whether or not they hold a fiscal-year or academic-year appointment are eligible for leave of up to 120 hours per calendar year for active duty or military training. Employees who are in board-appointed positions [FSH 3080] are eligible for full pay while on paid military leave. When called to active duty or training, the university will pay the difference between military pay received from the U.S. or State government, but cannot duplicate pay. The employee must provide documentation of military pay received during leave, within 90 days of return from leave or upon earlier job separation. The employee is required to repay to the university any amount which exceeds their regular base pay for the same period. Unpaid military leave may be requested if the employee knows their military pay will exceed their university pay. Annual and sick leave credit towards length of service for retirement plan, and other vesting will continue to accrue according to the applicable plan documents. Instead of taking military leave, an employee may request annual leave on the same basis as any other vacation or other time off and if approved, retain full military pay. [APM 55.09 and 55.38]

F-2. Any employee who is called to active duty and/or is required to serve more than 120 hours is eligible for up to five years of military leave. Eligibility for employee health coverage will continue at a minimum through the first 30 calendar days of service while on an approved military leave. The employee will be required to pay the employee share of the health care costs, as well as the costs for the employee’s dependents.

F-3. An employee may choose to use annual leave and/or accrued compensatory time for military service and continue to receive pay and benefits at any time.

F-4. Military leave beyond the first 120 hours is generally granted without pay and benefits. Health care coverage will end for the individual who is called to active duty after the first 30 days of service. However, coverage for the employee’s dependents may continue and are subject to the applicable benefits based on the university’s current Summary Plan Document at the time of reinstatement: contact Benefit Services.

F-5. An employee may also have the right to life insurance portability or conversion to an individual life insurance policy following termination of benefits in the group plan.

F-6. Upon reinstatement to active university employment, the employee’s health plan will resume as if their employment had not been interrupted.

F-7. In accordance with state and federal law, an employee upon return will be reinstated to their former position or a comparable position without loss of seniority, status or pay rate provided the employee returns with an honorable discharge and within five years from departure date from the university.

a. In some situations, re-employment may not be possible, such as when there has been a significant change in circumstances, if re-employment would impose an undue hardship on the university or department, or if the person’s employment was temporary in nature, such as positions that are grant-funded for a specific duration and/or temporary help (TH) positions.

1. If the returning employee's skills need upgrading to meet the requirements for a prior or promoted position, the university will make reasonable efforts to refresh or update these skills unless such efforts would create undue hardship for the university.

2. When an employee with a service-related disability is not qualified to perform the essential functions of the employee’s job after the university has made reasonable efforts to accommodate the disability, the employee may be placed in another position of comparable pay, rank, and seniority.

b. Employees returning from military leave must provide the university with written timely notification of intent to return to their position. The university may require documentation that the person’s application for reemployment is timely and that the person’s discharge from uniformed services was under honorable conditions. University procedures will follow the applicable state and federal law, including but not limited to the Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), 38 U.S.C. 4301-4333, enforced by Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment & Training Services (VETS.)

F-8. Retirement benefit contributions are suspended while the employee is on unpaid military leave when the 120 hours per F-1 have been exceeded. Upon reinstatement to active university employment after military leave, reenrollment in the retirement plan will be accomplished in accordance with the plan documents.

a. Credited state service continues during military leave as though no break in employment has occurred.

b. The employee may elect to make up any employee contributions missed during an approved military leave. Such contributions must be paid into the plan within a period not to exceed three times the length of the military leave, up to a maximum of five years.

c. The university will contribute the regularly scheduled match contributions for any employee make-up payments made in connection with an approved military leave.

d. For purposes of determining eligibility for retiree health coverage, military leave will not count as a break in service provided that re-employment occurs within the parameters of this policy. Further, an employee will receive university service credit for purposes of determining eligibility under the Retiree Health Program [FSH 3730] during the 15 days of approved paid military leave; however, the employee will not receive service credit for purposes of determining eligibility under the Retiree Health Program [FSH 3730] for any unpaid military leave.

F-9. This policy is intended to comply with applicable state and federal laws, including the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994. To the extent that any provision of this policy is ambiguous and/or contradicts the Act or any other law, the applicable law or Act will prevail.

G. LEAVE FOR COURT REQUIRED SERVICE AND VOTING. (Available to all UI employees as described in Section G)

G-1. Any employee who is summoned for jury duty or subpoenaed as a witness before a court of competent jurisdiction or as a witness in a proceeding before any federal or state administrative agency will be granted leave. Benefit-eligible employees will be granted leave with pay, except as provided below in G-2. Travel expenses in connection with this duty are not subject to reimbursement by the university. [RGP II.I.5.; APM 55.09]

G-2. An employee must request annual leave or personal leave without pay for the following:

a. appearing as a party in a non-job-related proceeding involving the employee;

b. appearing as an expert witness when the employee is compensated for such appearance; or

c. appearing as a plaintiff or complainant, or as counsel for a plaintiff or complainant, in a proceeding in which the Board of Regents or any of its institutions, agencies, school or office is a defendant or respondent. [RGP II.I.5.]

G-3. Polling places are typically open extended hours and absentee voting is widely available. However, employees who are unable to vote outside of scheduled hours will be allowed time off to vote. If available, an employee may use accrued annual leave, compensatory time or, if approved in advance, may be able to make up time lost to vote within the same work week [FSH 3460] through a flexible work schedule. Otherwise, time off will be approved, but unpaid.

H. LEAVE FOR CAMPAIGNING FOR OR SERVING IN PUBLIC OFFICE. Available to UI employees as described in Section H)

H-1. The president approves requests for leaves of absence for the purpose of campaigning for or serving in public office [RGP II. I.5.]. See FSH 6230 E for provisions concerning leave for campaigning and serving in public office.

H-2. It is the Board of Regent’s intent that state salary not be duplicated to an employee serving as a member of the Idaho Legislature. Any leave for serving as a member of the Idaho State Legislature will be unpaid when the Legislature is in session [RGP II.I.5.]. Certain benefits may continue during the unpaid leave; however, the employee must pay the full cost of coverage.

I. ADMINISTRATIVE OR EMERGENCY LEAVE. (Available to all UI employees as described in Section I)

I-1. Administrative Leave is leave with pay and benefits. An employee will continue to receive pay and leave accruals in accordance with their regular rate and maintain eligibility for other benefit programs. (Academic transitional leave (J) is not considered administrative leave.)

I-2. At the discretion of the president or designee, an employee may be granted administrative leave when the state or the university will benefit as a result of such leave. [RGP II.I.5.; FSH 3470 B]

I-3. Examples of circumstances that may qualify an employee for administrative leave are volunteer fire fighters attending class off campus, official delegates to the annual general convention of Idaho Public Employees’ Association, and members of state or local committees, such as the Human Rights Commission, attending official meetings.

I-4. With the approval of the president or designee, an administrator may also use administrative leave to remove an employee from the workplace (for example during an investigation or to mediate an employee relations issue), if approved in advance by Human Resources. The President’s Office or Provost’s Office, as appropriate must be notified.

I-5. In all cases involving administrative leave, payroll will coordinate with the department for the appropriate process based on the anticipated duration of the administrative leave. Hours attributed to administrative leave shall be coded as “Administrative Leave” on the time/leave record and in the payroll system.

I-6. In the absence of a written agreement to the contrary, an employee on administrative leave must be available for recall to work during regular university business hours in the event that the employee’s services are required or they are otherwise requested to return to work.

I-7. Under certain circumstances, the university may require the use of accrued annual leave and/or compensatory time.

I-8. Emergency Leave with Pay. When the president or designee makes a decision to close, cancel classes, or postpone the opening the university, employees will be authorized Emergency Leave with pay (see APM95.21 and FSH3470). When approved, employees will enter hours as follows for emergency closure days:

Classified and PERSI-eligible TH will enter the hours they would have worked. Exempt and faculty enter leave if leave taken is more than four hours and will record leave only if they were out more than four hours.

a. (TH) Temporary Help (PERSI-eligible only) – enter hours regularly scheduled but not worked due to the closure under the Emergency Leave code, up to eight hours

b. Classified – enter hours not worked due to closure under the Emergency Leave code, up to eight hours

c. Exempt & Faculty – enter hours not worked, if over four, due to closure under the Emergency Leave code, up to eight hours.

J. ACADEMIC TRANSITIONAL LEAVE. (Available to all UI employees as described in Section J)

J-1. Academic transitional leave may apply when an academic administrator steps down from their administrative appointment and assumes a faculty appointment. The purpose of academic transitional leave is to prepare the employee for a new faculty appointment. Transition leave is not available in the event of transition from academic faculty to an administrative appointment. Academic transitional leave is granted at the discretion of the university, must be approved by the provost, and approved by the president or designee.

J-2. There is no accrual of annual leave during the period of academic transitional leave. All other benefits and leave accruals are provided on the same basis as afforded to similarly situated employees in a faculty job classification. Annual leave balances should be exhausted prior to a new academic faculty appointment. Leave balances that cannot be used will be carried forward. If not used, the balance of unused annual leave will be paid at the time of separation of all State of Idaho service. Carry forward of annual leave balances exceeding 80 hours must be approved in advance by Human Resources.

K. SHARED LEAVE. (Available to employees listed in A-6 (a) subject to specific eligibility criteria described in Section K)

K-1. University employees who earn annual leave may donate annual leave hours to shared leave. Shared leave may be donated to a shared leave pool or to the benefit of a specific eligible recipient. See FSH 3710 L-5 below and APM 55.07 for conversion of donated leave to shared leave.

K-2. Eligibility. Benefit-eligible employees, including academic year faculty who do not accrue annual leave, are eligible to receive shared leave. If an employee is only eligible for benefits under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) they do not qualify for shared leave.

a. Qualifying Events. If any benefit-eligible employee [A-6.a.] has a health condition [L-2.a.1] or has an immediate family member [A-3] who has such a condition and the employee is required to take time away from work, and has exhausted all leave, the employee may apply for shared leave.

1. The health condition of the affected individual must be certified by a competent health care provider to be considered as acceptable evidence by the university, and qualify as a serious health condition as defined by family medical leave [L] to include a need resulting from human organ or bone marrow donation. This provision applies only to the acceptable medical conditions of family medical leave. An employee need not meet the service and other requirements of family medical leave to be considered as an absence eligible for shared leave.

2. An applicant for shared leave who has used their own annual leave for purposes other than attending to a medical condition that is known to create potential for an extraordinary need for leave typically is not eligible for leave from the shared leave pool. Under extraordinary circumstances, such an applicant may request an exception to receive shared leave from directed donations.

3. Shared leave that is donated from the shared leave pool is intended for use by employees who intend to return to work. An applicant who wishes to receive shared leave and otherwise meets the criteria of the program and does not intend to return to work may apply for shared leave; however, shared leave in this instance is available only from donations directed specifically to that one recipient.

b. Prerequisites. An employee must use all other available leave such as sick leave, annual leave, and compensatory time to qualify for shared leave. If an employee receives shared leave during the first year of their employment with the university, and does not return to active service for at least thirty days after completion of their leave, they may be expected to repay the compensation they received, unless this requirement is waived by the president or designee.

c. Disability Income. To be eligible for shared leave for the employee’s own medical condition that is expected to last longer than thirty days, employees must first apply for wage replacement benefits that may be available through disability coverage. In cases of job-related injuries, employees must first apply for wage replacement through workers’ compensation. Once such benefits begin eligibility for shared leave benefits end. However, an otherwise eligible employee may use shared leave while satisfying the waiting period or after exceeding maximum disability periods for income replacement programs. Shared leave cannot be claimed when time away will be paid through wage replacement programs such as disability and workers’ compensation benefits.

K-3. Donating Annual Leave.

a. Employees who have an accrued annual leave balance may donate to shared leave regardless of their funding salary source. Donations may be made to the shared leave pool and accessed by any eligible recipient or donated directly to a specific shared leave recipient.

b. Leave donations made for a specific individual will be drawn from donors’ accounts based on a first-received basis. The first donation request received by Benefit Services will be processed before a second donation from other recipients or before hours are withdrawn from the shared leave pool. Donations will be drawn from the donor’s annual leave account.

c. Leave donations may be made in any amount of not less than ½-hour (.50) increments.

d. Shared leave donations may not cause the donor’s annual leave balance to fall below 40 hours at the time the donation is processed, unless the donor is terminating active employment from the university. Donors should be aware that any shared leave not used by the intended recipient will be returned to the Shared Leave Pool, not returned to the donor(s). Leave donors who desire to donate only as much leave as the intended recipient needs are encouraged to work with HR to make incremental donations to that person.

K-4. Shared Leave Benefits.

a. Maximum Benefit. The maximum shared leave benefit is limited to four (4) working weeks of leave within a rolling 12-month period. Shared leave hours granted will be prorated based on employee’s FTE.

b. Recipients of shared leave from the shared leave pool will receive the benefit on a first-come, first-serve basis as the pool balance must not fall below zero dollars. If funds are unavailable from the shared leave pool, then the recipient would be required to solicit direct donations.

c. Shared leave requests are reviewed and granted by Benefit Services in accordance with this policy. Applicants awarded shared leave will be notified in writing; if the request is denied, the reason(s) for denial shall also be stated in writing. The requestor may appeal a denied request for shared leave. Appeals must be made in writing to Human Resources within 30 days from the date of denial and must reference the applicable sections of policy and reasons why there is disagreement. Human Resources will respond to appeals within 30 days.

K-5. Funding and Conversion.

a. Funding for a full year of base salary is provided for most positions. A department typically has received funding for the duration of the employee’s full appointment. If an employee is absent without pay, the department would achieve salary savings as a result. The only exceptions would apply to those working from certain special funding sources or who hire a temporary replacement during the period of unpaid leave. Consequently, the department of the employee who will receive shared leave is responsible for funding the employee’s pay during leave from shared leave donations.

b. Conversion for donations. Hours donated by an employee are calculated at the donor’s hourly rate and converted to dollars that will be distributed to the recipient using the recipient’s hourly rate. Direct donations donors should be aware that if the conversion value from donated hours is greater than the intended recipient uses, any unused dollars will go into the Shared Leave Pool.

L. FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE. (Available to all UI employees subject to specific eligibility criteria described in Section L). Federal Family and Medical Leave Act 29 U.S.C 2601 and amendments will be followed when administering FMLA. Upon exhaustion of FMLA, when there is a continued need for leave for an employee’s own serious health condition, federal and state guidance will be followed.

L-1. Family medical leave may be requested by an eligible employee for the following reasons:

a. the birth of a child of the employee and/or in order to care for such child;

b. the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care;

c. to care for an immediate family member as defined in [A-3] of this policy with a serious health condition as defined in [L-5] of this policy;

d. because of the employee’s own serious health condition [L-5]; or

e. to serve as a human organ or bone marrow donor.

The entitlement to leave under subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this section L-1 for a birth or placement of a child is encompassed in the Parenting Leave described in Section E, of this policy. Parenting Leave taken under Section E. is Family Medical Leave and shall be counted as Family Medical Leave.

L-2. Family medical leave and/or service member family medical leave is generally leave without pay. However, when the absence also qualifies for the use of sick leave, if available, employees must first use accrued sick leave. See Parenting Leave for wage replacement.

L-3. Eligibility. If the employee has been employed by the university for a minimum of 12 months and has worked at least 1250 hours during the previous 12 month period prior to the requested leave, the employee is eligible for family medical leave. This eligibility requirement applies to eligibility for Parenting Leave under Section E.

L-4. Length of Leave. A maximum of up to 12 weeks or a total of 480 hours of family medical leave may be granted to eligible full-time employees during a rolling 12 month period. Eligible part-time employees may be granted up to 12 working weeks of leave or a total number of hours consistent with their regular work schedule within a 12-week period. (i.e. 20 hours per week x 12 weeks = 240 hours). The period is measured from the date the employee last used/exhausted family medical leave or became employed by the university to the date leave is to begin. Family medical leave may be taken on a continuous, intermittent, or reduced-hour basis. See Section E for parenting leave requirements.

L-5. Definitions.

a. “Serious health condition” is defined as an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition that involves any period of incapacity or treatment connected with in-patient care (i.e. overnight stay) in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical-care facility, and any period of incapacity or subsequent treatment in connection with such in-patient care; continuing treatment by a health care provider, which includes any period of incapacity (i.e. inability to work, attend school, or perform other regular daily activities) due to a health condition (including treatment for or recovery from) lasting more than three consecutive days; and any subsequent treatment or period of incapacity relating to the same condition, that also includes:

1. treatment two or more times by or under the supervision of a health care provider; or one treatment by a health care provider with a continuing regimen of treatment; or

2. pregnancy or prenatal care. A visit to the health care provider is not necessary for each absence; or

3. chronic serious health condition, which continues over an extended period of time, requires periodic visits to a health care provider, and may involve occasional episodes of incapacity (e.g. asthma, diabetes). A visit to a health care provider is not necessary for each absence; or

4. permanent or long-term condition for which treatment may not be effective (e.g. Alzheimer's, a severe stroke, terminal cancer). Only supervision by a health care provider is required, rather than active treatment; or

5. absences to receive multiple treatments for restorative surgery or for a condition which would likely result in a period of incapacity of more than three days if not treated (e.g. chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer).

6. Conditions for which cosmetic treatments are administered (such as most treatments for acne or plastic surgery) are not serious health conditions unless inpatient hospital care is required or unless complications develop. Ordinarily, unless complications arise, the common cold, the flu, ear aches, upset stomach, minor ulcers, headaches other than migraine, routine dental or orthodontia problems, periodontal disease, etc., are examples of conditions that do not meet the definition of a serious health condition and do not qualify for FMLA leave. Restorative dental or plastic surgery after an injury or removal of cancerous growths are serious health conditions provided all the other conditions of this section are met. Mental illness or allergies may be serious health conditions, but only if all the conditions of this section are met.

L-6. Health benefits continue during family medical leave on the same basis as for any similarly situated employee who is actively at work, regardless of whether the employee is using other forms of compensation including accrued leave or taking leave unpaid. The employee’s share of cost for health coverage is the amount that is typically payroll-deducted for the employee’s own coverage and/or coverage for the employee’s dependents. The employee is responsible for payment of these amounts during leave. Payroll deductions will be continued for any portion of the leave that is paid. During any portion of leave when no pay is received, the employee must make arrangements to self-pay these amounts. Retirement plan contributions, accruals for sick and annual leave and credit toward vesting are suspended during unpaid portions of family medical leave.

L-7. All qualified absences, including those due to a work-related injury, will be considered as family medical leave.

L-8. If there are reasonable circumstances to support that an employee’s absence qualifies as family medical leave, the university has the right to classify such absence as family medical leave.

L-9. When the need for family medical leave is foreseeable, an employee must request an application for family medical leave at least 30 days in advance of the need for leave. Application assistance is available from Benefit Services. When events are not foreseeable, employees must provide as much notice as is possible. Application for family medical leave after a return from absence is not recommended; rights to preserved employment and benefits may be adversely affected. In any event, absent extraordinary circumstances, an employee may not claim an absence as a qualified family medical leave event unless done so within the first two days of return from an absence. See Parenting Leave Section E.

L-10. When leave is taken for personal illness or to care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition, leave may be continuous or intermittent and may include a reduction in hours worked. For intermittent leave, the employee must provide certification from the health care provider caring for the employee and/or family member stating the leave must be taken intermittently. Employees needing intermittent leave must attempt to schedule their leave so as not to disrupt university operations. The university reserves the right to assign an employee to an alternative position with equivalent pay and benefits that better accommodates the employee’s intermittent or reduced leave schedule.

L-11. Employees on family medical leave are required to provide documentation to Benefit Services as requested, including intent to return to work. During leave, the university may require an employee to re-certify the medical condition that caused him/her to take leave. A return-to-work release from the health care provider is required before an employee absent due to their own serious health condition may return to work.

L-12. Family medical leave requests for medical treatment or care giving requires certification from the health care provider documenting medical necessity.

L-13. Family medical leave requests for parenting must be approved in advance and completed within 12 months of the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child. See Section E for Parenting Leave requirements. Shared leave (if granted) may be used for the disability period related to childbirth. See Section K for Shared Leave and Section E for Parenting Leave requirements.

L-14. Family medical leave taken by two university employees to care for a family member who has a serious health condition consists of a maximum 12 weeks of leave for each employee. See Section E for Parenting Leave requirements.

L-15. If the university obtains information from a credible source, such as the workers’ compensation authority, disability carrier, or a medical practitioner, that alters, changes, casts doubt, or fails to support continued leave or the leave application, the university has the right to:

a. revoke leave;

b. not grant leave;

c. require new evidence to support the leave request;

d. require the employee to return to work if the leave is not substantiated; and/or

e. when appropriate under applicable employee discipline policies [FSH 3910, 3920, and 3930], take disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

L-16. Upon return from family medical leave, employees will be assigned to their same or similar position with equivalent pay and status with or without reasonable accommodation, as appropriate, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Job reassignment must be coordinated with Employment Services and approved by Human Resources. The university has no obligation to restore employment to temporary hourly (TH) or other employees if the employment term or project is over and the university would not otherwise have continued employment.

L-17. Family medical leave is not available for individuals who do not plan to return to work. An employee who applies for and is granted family medical leave and fails to return to work for at least 30 days upon the expiration of their family medical leave period may be obligated to repay the costs of health coverage and any portion of paid parenting leave provided by the university during any portion of family medical leave. If the university is notified that the employee does not intend to return to work, the family medical leave period will terminate immediately and the employee will be separated from employment on that date. Medical, dental and under some circumstances Health Care Spending Accounts may be continued through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Options for life insurance portability or conversion may also be available. Job separation under these circumstances will result in a lump sum payment of annual leave and/or compensatory balances. In addition, the employee will no longer have a right to restoration to the same or equivalent position.

M. SERVICE MEMBER FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE. The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) now entitles eligible employees to take leave for covered family members’ service in the Armed Forces (Service member Family and Medical Leave) in two instances. This section of the policy supplements the above family medical leave policy and provides general notice of employee rights to such leave. Except as stated below, an employee’s rights and obligations to service member family and medical leave are governed by the general family medical leave policy.

M-1. Definitions: The following definitions are applicable to this section of the policy.

a. “Eligible employee” is a spouse, son, daughter, parent, or for purposes of caring for a family member, the next of kin of a covered family member.

b. “Next of kin” is the nearest blood relative of a family member who is in the Armed Forces.

c. “Covered family member” means any family member who is a member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, regardless of where stationed and regardless of combative activities.

d. A “covered veteran” is an individual who was a member of the armed forces (including a member of the National Guard or reserves) and was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable at any time during the 5-year period before the first date the eligible employee takes FMLA leave to care for the covered veteran.

1. An eligible employee must begin leave to care for a covered veteran within five years of the veteran’s active duty service, but the “single 12-month period” may extend beyond the five-year period.

M-2. Leave Entitlement: Eligible employees are entitled to take service member family and medical leave for any one, or for a combination of the following reasons:

a. Any “qualifying exigency” (as defined by the Secretary of Labor) arising out of the fact that the spouse, or a son, daughter, or parent of the employee is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty in the Armed Forces in support of a “contingency operation,” and/or

b. To care for a covered family member who has incurred an injury or illness in the line of duty while on active duty in the Armed Forces, or that existed before the beginning of the member’s active duty and was aggravated by service in the line of duty on active duty in the armed forces, provided that such injury or illness may render the covered family member medically unfit to perform duties of the family member’s office, grade, rank or rating.

c. In the case of a covered veteran, an injury or illness that was incurred by the member in the line of duty on active duty in the armed forces (or existed before the beginning of the member’s active duty and was aggravated by service in the line of duty on active duty in the armed forces) and manifested itself before or after the member became a veteran and is:

1. A continuation of a serious injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated when the covered veteran was a member of the armed forces and rendered the service member unable to perform the duties of the service member’s office, grade, rank, or rating; or

2. A physical or mental condition for which the covered veteran has received a U.S Department of Veterans Affairs Service-Related Disability (VASRD) rating of 50 percent or greater, and such VASRD rating is based, in whole or in part, on the condition precipitating the need for military caregiver leave; or

3. A physical or mental condition that substantially impairs the covered veteran’s ability to secure or follow a substantially gainful occupation by reason of a disability or disabilities related to military service, or would do so absent treatment; or

4. An injury, including a psychological injury, on the basis of which the covered veteran has been enrolled in the U.S Department of Veteran’s Affairs Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers.

M-3. Duration of service member family and medical leave:

a. When leave is due to a qualifying exigency: an eligible employee may take up to 12 work weeks of leave during any 12-month period.

b. When leave is to care for a covered family member: an eligible employee may take up to 26 workweeks of leave during a single 12-month period to care for the covered family member. Leave to care for a covered family member, when combined with other qualifying family medical leave may not exceed 26 weeks in a single 12-month period.

c. Concurrent leave: service member family and medical leave runs concurrent with other leave entitlements provided under federal, state and local law.

N. PERSONAL LEAVE. (Available to UI employees listed in A-6.a and A-6.b as described in Section N.)

N-1. Any employee not covered by another university leave type within this policy may request a personal leave of absence.

N-2. Personal leave is leave without pay and without benefits. However, the university may require the use of sick, annual or any other type of accrued leave if the absence qualifies and leave is available. Personal leave may be taken with pay and benefits when other paid leave such as annual leave is taken concurrently. In rare circumstances, leave may be approved without pay, with continued benefits, but only when approved as an exception and only when doing so meets the business needs of the university. Hiring units are responsible for funding the benefits under these circumstances. [APM 55.38]

N-3. Reasons for requesting a personal leave may include, but are not limited to, religious, personal, and educational matters or for extension of any leave when all other leaves have been exhausted.

N-4. All requests for personal leave must be made to the supervisor in writing. A leave of three working days or less can be approved by the supervisor and are recorded on the employee’s time record as Leave Without Pay with Benefits. The president or designee (i.e., provost) must approve a personal leave which exceeds three working days. Personal leave is not guaranteed and is granted on a case-by-case basis, with the approval of the supervisor and the unit administrator, based on the business needs of the university.

N-5. The president or designee (i.e. provost) may grant personal leave without pay with or without benefits for a period of up to one calendar year, with extensions not to exceed a total of three successive calendar years [RGP II.I.5.]. Consideration is given to such requests on an individual basis in the light of the reason for which it is requested, whether it is leave with or without paid benefits and the effect that granting it will have on the employee’s unit or program.

N-6. When a personal leave of absence is granted, the university assures reinstatement of the individual to a position of similar status and pay, but only to the extent that such position continues to exist and would have continued to exist had no leave been taken. Return to work in the same job within the same department is not promised.

N-7. During personal leave without pay an employee is not eligible for holiday pay, the accrual of sick or annual leave, or the use of medical appointment leave, and may not be granted any other type of leave of absence such as family medical or military leave until the employee has first returned to work under active status and otherwise qualifies for such leave.

N-8. An employee who has received approval from the president or designee for a personal leave without pay without benefits may not continue to contribute toward and receive the benefits of the institution’s insurance and retirement programs, Employees should consult Benefits Services for more detailed information on how personal leave without pay will impact their benefits and their rights to continue coverage through COBRA and life insurance conversion or portability. [APM 55.09 and 55.38]

N-9. Employees who are granted a personal leave of absence without pay are responsible for making arrangements with Benefit Services, before the leave begins, for the continuation or discontinuation of benefits. Also, they should call Benefit Services on their return to active status to make sure that any benefits that had been discontinued are reinstated or to adjust for changes that occurred while they were on leave. [APM 55.38]

N-10. Personal leave is not intended as a vehicle to continue benefits for periods when employees are not working due to academic or seasonal work schedules or for a reduction in hours.

O. LEAVE FOR PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT. (Available to faculty with instructor rank or above, exempt employees and classified staff as described in Section O.)

O-1. Leave for professional improvement is paid leave with benefits for the purpose of participating in professional development programs or experiences for an extended period of more than two weeks to attain or enhance a skill set that will result in a mutual benefit to the both the university and the employee.

O-2. Members of the faculty who hold the rank of instructor or above, exempt employees, and classified staff are encouraged to participate in programs of professional improvement. (Tenured faculty may also be eligible for sabbatical leave and should refer to FSH 3720.) Generally, on the recommendation of an applicant’s administrative supervisor, and with the approval of the dean/director and the provost/vice president, professional improvement leave may be granted under the following conditions (individual departments may have additional requirements and restrictions):

a. To participate in this plan, the faculty or staff member must have completed four years of service before the time the leave is to begin.

b. Generally, at least two years of service must intervene between a sabbatical leave and a leave for professional improvement or at least five years of service must intervene between a leave for professional improvement and a subsequent request for the same type of leave.

O-3. The employee requests professional improvement leave with pay by submitting a letter of application to the supervisor at least three months before the leave is to begin. The letter should address the professional development to be derived from the leave, what activities (i.e. research, writing, experience, etc.) will be involved to achieve the professional goals, the duration of the leave, the level of support requested, and the source of funds, if known.

O-4. Persons granted leave under this policy are expected either to return to the active service of the university for at least one academic or other full work year after completion of the leave, or are required to repay the money received from the university for the period of professional improvement leave granted.

O-5. The employee must submit a report to the supervisor, the dean/director, and the provost/president regarding his or her developmental experience upon return to active work status.

O-6. The employee may request approval to use accrued annual leave and to have an equal amount of administrative leave with pay granted to permit the employee’s participation in a program of professional improvement.

P. EXCEPTIONS. Exceptions to these policies may be considered to the extent that such an exception is not contrary to state and federal laws, the Board of Regents policies and procedures, and are considered in the best interest of the university. The respective unit administrator, Human Resources, and the president or designee as required, can grant exceptions. A request for exception must be submitted and approved by the supervisor and forwarded to Human Resources for further consideration of all approvals.

Version History

Amended January 2023. Sections E. Parenting Leave and L. Family and Medical Leave extensively revised to provide for new paid parenting leave benefit. Former Sections K. Terminal Leave and P. Extended Medical Leave eliminated. Language updated throughout.

Amended January 2020. Changes were made pursuant to FSH 1460 C-3 to comply with Idaho Code 59-1608 and 67-5343 and for clarification purposes.

Amended July 2017. Edits were made for clarification purposes and cleanup.

Amended July 2016. Many changes were put in place to comply with federal regulation changes on family medical leave. The section on Parenting Leave was revised, and changes were made to allow employees more flexibility in leave use.

Amended July 2015. Changes were made to comply with federal regulation changes on family medical leave, a new section on Parenting Leave was added, and to allow employees more flexibility in leave use.

Amended July 2011. Section R was removed and a new policy, FSH 3450, was created to address employment actions such as temporary furloughs.

Amended July 2010. Section R was added to address the Fiscal Year 2010 Furlough.

Amended July 2008. Changes were approved following work involving Faculty and Staff Affairs, General Counsel, and Human Resources and a new section M was added on servicemember family leave due to a federal law change.

Amended 2002. Extensive changes were made to subsection K that reflected Regent policy and current practice.

Adopted 1979.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
