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College of Education, Health and Human Sciences
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive
Moscow, Idaho 83844-3087

Phone: 208-885-1149



Sydney Freeman, Jr., Ph.D., CFD, COI



ED 403

Mailing Address

875 Perimeter Drive MS 3087
Moscow, ID 83844-3087

Affiliate Title
Senior Editor-in-Chief, Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education (JSPTE)

Director of Black History Research Lab

  • EMC (Executive Management Certified), Management and Strategy Institute (MSI), 2019, Executive Leadership emphasis
  • SOLC (Strategic Organizational Leadership Certified), Management and Strategy Institute (MSI), 2019, Organizational Leadership emphasis
  • COI, Certified Online Instructor, Learning Resources Network (LERN), 2016
  • CFD, Certified Faculty Developer, Learning Resources Network (LERN), 2012
  • Ph.D. Higher Education Administration, Auburn University, 2011
  • M.Ed. Higher Education Administration, Auburn University, 2008
  • B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies, Emphasis: Communication, Music, and Business, Oakwood University, 2007

  • Auburn University's College of Education "Outstanding Young Alumni Award", 2020
  • National Pine Forge Academy Alumni Association Meritorious Award, 2018
  • Nominated for the Blackboard Exemplary Course Award (received overall rating of “Accomplished”), 2018
  • Higher Education Leadership Foundation (H.E.L.F.) — Gamma Fellow, 2016
  • AAUA Robert MacVitte Emerging Leader Award, 2015
  • Auburn University’s Graduate School “Auburn Authors Award,” 2015
  • Affiliate of the Center for Minority Serving Institutions, 2013-present

Sydney Freeman, Jr., Ph.D., is a full professor of Adult, Organizational Learning and Leadership at the University of Idaho. He is a former National Holmes Scholar and has earned professional certifications in the areas of faculty development, online instruction, executive management, and organizational leadership. His research investigates the future of minority serving institutions, the faculty career-cycle, and higher education as a field of study.

Dr. Freeman has published numerous journal articles and is the lead editor (with Linda Serra Hagedorn, Lester F. Goodchild, and Dianne A. Wright) of Advancing Higher Education as a Field of Study: In Quest of Doctoral Degree Guidelines (Stylus Publishing, 2014) which received the 2015 Auburn University Graduate School "Book of the Year" Award. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the American Association of University Administrators and was honored with the “2015 Emergent Leader of the Year” award by the same professional society. This was based on his leadership at Tuskegee University in his previous capacity as director of one of their teaching and learning centers. He serves on multiple academic journal editorial and review boards and is the founder and editor-in-chief of []The Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education.

  • Future of Minority Serving Institutions
  • Faculty Career-cycle
  • Higher Education as a Field of Study
  • Higher Education Executive Leadership Preparation
  • Faculty Development
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities

  • Preparation for the College and University Leadership before the Age of 40.
  • Attracting and Retaining First-Generation College Students in the Rural Pacific Northwest: A Grounded Theory Study.
  • Politics and Power in Higher Education: How Things Get Done.
  • Advancing Scholarship through Peer-Mentoring: A Dou-ethnography.
  • The 21st Century Role of the Academic Department Chair.
  • Effective Higher Education Programs: A Faculty Perspective.
  • Strategies for Enhancing the Status of Higher Education Leadership Programs within Colleges & Universities.
  • Preparation for the Historically Black College & University Presidency: 3 Case Studies.



Peer Reviewed Articles

  • Freeman, Jr., S., Douglas, T. & Goodenough, T. (2020). Toward best practices for promotion to full professor guidelines at research universities. eJournal of Education Policy, 21(2).
  • Thacker, R. & Freeman, Jr. S. (2020). The importance of stress management for university presidents. The William & Mary Educational Review. 7(1), 46-70.
  • Freeman, Jr., S., Karkouti, I., & Ward, K. (2020). Thriving as a departmental chair: What are the keys? Higher Education, 79(4), 1-19.
  • Freeman, Jr., S., Karkouti, I., & Douglas, T. (2020). Avoiding fake degrees and diploma mills. Journal Adventist Education 82(1), 4-11.
  • Al-Asfour, A. & Freeman, Jr. S., (2020). Effective strategies and characteristics that lead Native American students to complete graduate education. Educational Research: Theory and Practice, 32(1), 1-16. view online
  • Chambers, C. & Freeman, Jr. S.  (2020). To Be Young, Gifted, and Black: The relationship between age and race in earning full professorships. Review of Higher Education, 43(3), 811–836.
  • Freeman, Jr. S. & Douglas, T. (2019). Put some Respect on my Name: Navigating the use of Academic Titles and Personas. Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress. Retrieved from:
  • Briscoe, K. & Freeman, Jr., S. (2019): The role of mentorship in the preparation and success of university presidents. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 1-23. Retrieved from:
  • Carr-Chellman, A., Kitchell, A., & Freeman, Jr., S. (2019). Negentropy: Energy Creating Tools for Organizational Development. Tech Trends. Retrieved from:
  • Jensen, D. & Freeman, Jr., S.  (2019). Establishing a Philosophy of Higher Education as a Field of Study. Journal of Educational Foundations. 32(1, 2, 3, & 4), 1-24.
  • Palmer, R. & Freeman, Jr. S. (2019). Examining Unsuccessful Leadership Practices for Presidents at HBCUs. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr. S. & Forthun, G. (2019). The Paucity of Asian-American Distinguished Professors and Endowed Chairs: Toward a More Racially Integrated System of Advancement in the Professoriate. eJournal of Education Policy, 1, 1-12. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, S., Jr.,* Krier, K., Al-Asfour, A., & *Thacker, R. (2019). An examination of the barriers to leadership for faculty of color at U.S. universities. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 16, 361-376. Retrieved from:
  • Thacker, R. & Freeman, Jr. S. (2019). Avoiding derailment: symbolic leadership and the university presidency. International Journal of Leadership in Education. 1-21. Retrieved from:
  • Douglas, T., Freeman, Jr. S., & Denham, A. (2019). The Three Hebrew Boys Revisited: Exploring Border-Crossing Brotha-ship in the Journeys of Three Tenured Black Male Seventh-day Adventist Professors. Religions., 10(142), 1-18. Retrieved from:
  • Wheeler, E. M. & Freeman, Jr., S. (2019). "Scholaring While Black: Discourses on Race, Gender, and the Tenure Track." Journal of the Professoriate. 9(2), 57-86. Retrieved from:“Scholaring”-while-Black-Wheeler-and-Freeman-Jr-9_2.pdf
  • Freeman, Jr. S. and Kochan, F. (2019). Exploring Mentoring across Gender, Race, and Generation in Higher Education: An Ethnographic Study. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education. 8(1), 2-18. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr., S. (2018). The Manuscript Dissertation: A Means of Increasing Competitive Edge for Tenure-Track Faculty Positions. International Journal of Doctoral Studies,13(1), 273-292. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr., S. (2018). The Hidden Curriculum of Starting an Open-Access Online Journal: An editor’s perspective. Journal of Research Initiatives,3(3), 1-17. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr., S. (2018). Utilizing Multi-Grounded Theory in a Dissertation: Reflections and Insights. The Qualitative Report, 23(5), 1160-1175. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr. S., & Louis, D., (2018). A Critical Examination of the Role of Mentoring in the Development of Black Male Higher Education and Student Affairs Scholars. Journal of African American Males in Education. 9(1), 19-39. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr. S. & Bird, S. (2018). Teaching Qualitative Research Online. Informing Faculty, 3(1), 1-47. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr., S., Kitchell, A., & Carr-Chellman, A. (2017). The Negentropic Professor and the Online Curriculum. ELearn Magazine, Retrieved from
  • Douglas, T. M. O., Lane-Bonds, D. & Freeman, Jr. S. (2017). Voices from the Field: There is No Manual for University Presidents: An Interview with Andrea Luxton, President of Andrews University, on her leadership in response to the #ItIsTimeAU uprising on her campus. The Journal of Negro Education, 86(3), 368-380. Retrieved from:
  • Tomlinson, G. & Freeman, Jr., S. (2017). Who Really Selected You? Insights into Faculty Selection Processes at Top-Ranked Higher Education Graduate Programs. Journal of Farther and Higher Education. Retrieved from:
  • Forthun, G. & Freeman, Jr. S., (2017). Community College Leadership Preparation Programs: A Review of the Literature. Community College Enterprise. Retrieved from:
  • Forthun, G., & Freeman, S., Jr. (2017). Executive higher education doctoral programs in the United States: A demographic market-based analysis. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology Education, 14, 1-19. Retrieved from:
  • Barnett, N. C., Freeman, Jr. S., & Freeman, M. L., (2016). Higher Education Graduate Programs at Minority Serving Institutions. Western Journal of Black Studies. 40(3), 3-19. Retrieved from:
  • Commodore, F., Freeman, Jr. S., Gasman, M. & Carter, C. (2016) “How It’s Done: The Role of Mentoring and Advice in Preparing the Next Generation of Historically Black College and University Presidents." Education Science, 19(6), 1-14. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr. S., Gasman, M., Commodore, F. & Carter, C. (2016). "Leaders Wanted!: The Skills Expected and Needed for a Successful 21st Historically Black College and University Presidency." Journal of Black Studies, 6, 1-16. Retrieved from
  • McGaskey, F., Freeman, Jr. S., Guyton, C., Richmond, D. & Guyton, C. W. (2016). The social support networks of black males in higher education administration doctoral programs: An exploratory study. Western Journal of Black Studies. 40(2), 141-158. Retrieved from:
  • Findlay, H. J., Freeman, Jr., S., & Findlay, H. E. (2016) Generational and Fatal Leadership in a Time of Unprecedented Challenges and Changes. Journal of Higher Education Management. 31(1), 1-16. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr. S. & Diramio, D. (2016) Elitism or Pragmatism? Faculty hiring at top ranked in higher education administration. Journal of the Professoriate. 8(2) 94-127. Retrieved from:
  • Card, K., Chambers, C., & Freeman, Jr. S. (2016) Is there a Core Curricula across Higher Education Doctoral Programs. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 11, 127-146. Retrieved from:
  • Hilton, A. A., Freeman, Jr., S., Lee, Jr., J. M. (2016) The Governing Structures of State Supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Journal of HBCU Research + Culture, 1, 1-13. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr. S. (2014). "Strategies for Doctoral Students Who Desire to Become Higher Education Faculty Members: Implications for Practice." International Journal of Doctoral Studies. 9, 271-291. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr. S. & Gasman, M. (2014). "The Characteristics of Historically Black College and University Presidents and Their Role in Grooming the Next Generation of Leaders." Teachers College Record. 116, 1-34. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr. S. & Kochan, F. (2013). "University Presidents’ Perspectives of the Knowledge and Competencies Needed in 21st Century Higher Education Leadership." Journal of Educational Leadership in Action. 1, 1-20. Retrieved from:
  • Wolfe, B. & Freeman, Jr. S. (2013). "A Case Administrator of Color: Insights and Policy Implications for Higher Education’s Predominantly White Institutions." eJournal of Education Policy. 1, 1-11. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr. S. & Kochan, F. (2012). "Academic Pathways to University Leadership: Presidents Descriptions of their Doctoral Education." International Journal of Doctoral Studies.7, 93-124. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr. S. & Kochan, F. (2012) "The Role of Assessment and Accountability in Higher Education Doctoral Programs: A Presidential Perspective." International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation. 1, 1-13. Retrieved from:
  • Freeman, Jr. S. (2012) The Future of Higher Education Preparation: Implications for Policy and Practice. Journal of Education Policy.1, 1-8. Retrieved from:

Leading In Academia | Leading While Green Podcast

Podcast Episode 113, Dr. Sydney Freeman Jr. with Pierre Quinn.


University Of Idaho Professor Challenges Higher Ed To Take Action For Black Lives

Interview of Dr. Sydney Freeman Jr. on Boise State Public Radio.


City Club Of Boise: Racism In Idaho And Beyond

Interview of Dr. Sydney Freeman Jr. on Boise State Public Radio.



Mailing Address:
College of Education, Health and Human Sciences
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive
Moscow, Idaho 83844-3087

Phone: 208-885-1149

