Arctic Domain Awareness Center (ADAC)
Community Based Observing Network for Situational Awareness (CBON-SA)
The CBON-SA component of ADAC is led by the CRC in collaboration with Aleut International Association and aims to integrate an indigenous knowledge-based approach with technology to systematically observe and document Arctic environmental and globalization changes - vessel tracking, incursions, and arctic sea ice. The initial location will be Alaska's St. Lawrence Island, which has demonstrated integration of community-based sea ice observations with the Arctic Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) - a web based GIS tool for emergency responders. ADAC will expand on the existing CBON-SA framework and methodology to include additional observation categories and to incorporate unmanned aerial vehicles, remote sensing networks, and new communication devices.

The Arctic Domain Awareness Center (ADAC), led by the University of Alaska Anchorage in partnership with the CRC, develops and transitions technology solutions, innovative products, and educational programs to improve situational awareness and crisis response capabilities related to emerging maritime challenges posed by the dynamic Arctic environment.