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65.04 - Records Center Reference Requests


  • Position: Vice President of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, Information Technologies
  • Email:

Last updated: June 02, 2011

A. General. Records of any format stored in the Records Center (see APM 65.05) may be requested by patrons listed in a Unit's Access Authorization Form ("Authorized Patrons") by telephone, electronic mail, or on-site visit to the Records Center during business hours. [rev. 6-11]

B. Process. Authorized Patrons are encouraged to call the Records Center at (208) 885-2580 in advance, so that their requests can be processed, and their documents, files, or boxes can be pulled and ready for them at the reference counter prior to their scheduled visit. [rev. 6-11]

B-1. Reference Request Form. All records that are referenced must have a completed Reference Request Form. The Reference Request Form is completed by Records Center staff when the Authorized Patron makes a request (see D below for contact information). Once received, the request is logged into a database and tracked. [ed. 6-11]

C. Procedures.

C-1. Access. Unit records will only be released to Authorized Patrons. The list of Authorized Patrons should be reviewed as needed, but at least annually, by each Unit, and any changes should be submitted by completing a new Access Authorization Form. University employees who are not listed as Authorized Patrons must obtain permission to access any records from the Unit that owns the desired records. [rev. 6-11]

C-2. Withdrawals. Units may withdraw any of their records from the Records Center at any time. Records may be checked out temporarily or permanently. [rev. 6-11]

C-3. Reference-Only Requests. Authorized Patrons may visit the Records Center to view or read materials during business hours. The Records Center has limited facilities for on-site, short-term work projects involving records stored in the Records Center. Please notify Records Center staff in advance of conducting any such on-site project. [rev. 6-11]

C-4. Microfilm/Microfiche Reader-Printer Services. Microfilm/microfiche reader-printer services are available to Authorized Patrons in the Records Center by appointment only. All use of the microfilm/microfiche reader-printer must be arranged in advance. [rev. 6-11]

D. Information. For questions about retrieving records, contact the Records Management Office, Bruce M. Pitman Center (Pitman Center) Room 53, Moscow, ID, 83844-4247, (208) 885-2580 or Records Email, or website at Records Management Website. [ed. 6-11]

Version History

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
