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Relationship Violence

It’s easy to be distracted or influenced by others when it comes to social situations — especially in relationships. That’s why it's important to be aware of red flags when it comes to relationship violence and sexual assault. Relationship violence can happen to anyone, so it's important to recognize warning signs as early as possible.

Generally speaking, abuse is any behavior that results in the mistreatment of another. If you or a friend is in a violent relationship, help is available.

But First Things First -

Rate your relationship. Does your partner exhibit common examples of abusive behavior?

If you answer yes to one or more of the signs below, think about reaching out for help to explore your options because you deserve to be safe in your relationships.

Types of Abuse

  • Taunting you in the name of "fun".
  • Ignoring you and/or your feelings. 
  • Insulting you repeatedly. 
  • Yelling at you. 
  • Telling you that you will fail. 
  • Blaming you for her/his faults. 
  • Threatening you with violence or retaliation. 
  • Threatening to hurt your pets. 
  • Telling you that you must stay because you can’t make it alone. 
  • Accusing you of being violent when you protect yourself in any way. 
  • Labeling you as crazy, stupid, bitch, bastard, ugly, or a whore. 
  • Blaming you for things that go wrong. 
  • Holding back approval as a form of punishment. 
  • Threatening to abuse the children and/or get custody of them.

  • Destroying your belongings. 
  • Throwing objects at you.
  • Touching you in ways that hurt or scare you.
  • Twisting your arm, slapping, or biting you.
  • Pushing or shoving you.
  • Depriving you of food, shelter, money or clothing.
  • Threatening you with weapons.
  • Hitting, punching, or kicking you.
  • Strangling or throwing you.
  • Abusing you to the point you need medical treatment.
  • Breaking your bones and/or causing internal injuries.
  • Causing a miscarriage or injuries that require a therapeutic abortion.
  • Denying you medical treatment.
  • Inflicting permanent disabling and/or disfiguring injuries.

  • Talking about you or others as sexual objects. 
  • Forcing you to have sex, including sex after a beating. 
  • Criticizing your sexual performance. 
  • Withholding affection to punish you. 
  • Accusing you of looking at, talking to, or having sex with another. 
  • Forcing you to engage in sexual activities that are uncomfortable for you. 
  • Inflicting harm or mutilation of your genitals. 
  • Strangling or slapping you during sex. 

  • Controlling funds so you do not have access to purchase basic needs. 
  • Denying you the right to seek and/or maintain employment. 
  • Taking your personal money with or without permission. 
  • Excluding you from making financial decisions.

  • Discounting your sense of right and wrong. 
  • Denying, minimizing, or ridiculing your spiritual beliefs. 
  • Denying you value as a person with legitimate wants and likes. 
  • Questioning your motives for just about everything. 
  • Questioning your sense of reality. 
  • Refusing to allow you access to worship communities or support groups. 

Contact Us

Teaching & Learning Center Room 232A

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 2431
Moscow, ID 83844-2431

Phone: 208-885-6757

Fax: 208-885-9494


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Teaching & Learning Center Room 232

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 2431
Moscow, ID 83844-2431

Phone: 208-885-6757

Fax: 208-885-9494


Meet the Staff Map