2014 Idaho Law Review Symposium
Resilient Cities
Environment | Economy | Equity
April 4th, 2014
Boise, Idaho
The Idaho Law Review symposium, Resilient Cities: Environment | Economy | Equity, focused on defining city resilience, as well as cutting-edge, non-traditional legal approaches to implementing environmental and social projects that promote city resilience.
CLE Credits
View Video and Receive CLE Credits
The video of the symposium is now available for free access below.
Idaho attorneys may obtain 7 CLE credits for viewing the video by providing documentation that the attorney has watched the video and paying $150 to the College of Law. Attorneys interested in obtaining the CLE credits for watching the Symposium video should (i) send an e-mail to Prof. Stephen R. Miller (millers@uidaho.edu) indicating that they have watched the video and (ii) send a check made payable to “University of Idaho College of Law” to: Prof. Stephen R. Miller, College of Law, University of Idaho, P.O. Box 83720-0051, Boise, ID 83720-0051. Upon receipt of the confirming e-mail and payment, the Idaho State Bar will be notified of the attorney’s completion of the 7 CLE credits.
PowerPoint Slides and Law Review Articles
The slides and law review articles constitute the CLE presentation materials for the Symposium.
Symposium Presentations
Introduction and Welcome
Symposium Introduction: Alexandra Grande; Tori Osler (ILR symposium student editors) (video)
Welcome: David Bieter (Mayor, City of Boise) (video)
Dean's Welcome: Michael Satz (University of Idaho) (video)
Disaster, Destruction, and Resilient Cities
Moderator: Dale Goble (University of Idaho)
Kellen Zale (University of Houston Law Center) – Urban Resiliency and the Right to Destroy (video)
John Travis Marshall and Ryan Rowberry (Georgia State) – Urban Wreckage and Resiliency: Articulating a Practical Framework for Preserving, Reconstructing, and Building Cities (John Travis Marshall video) (Ryan Powberry video)
Andrea McArdle (CUNY) – Imagining A Resilient New York After Superstorm Sandy (PDF) (video)
Panel Discussion video
Social Aspects of Resilient Cities
Moderator: Anastasia Telesetsky (University of Idaho) (video)
Palma Strand (Creighton) – Increasing City-System Resilience by Cultivating Civic Social Networks (video)
Melissa Berry (University of Missouri) – Thinking Like a City: Grounding Social-Ecological Resilience in an Urban Land Ethic (PDF) (video)
Panel Discussion video
Lunch with Keynote
Moderator: Barbara Cosens (University of Idaho) (video)
Ken Alex (California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research) Keynote Presentation (PDF) (video)
Resiliency, Equity, and Economy
Moderator: Jerrold Long (University of Idaho) (video)
Christopher Odinet (Southern University Law Center) – Fairness, Equity, and a Level Playing Field: Land-use Goals for the Resilient City (PDF) (video)
Jeff Litwak (Columbia River Gorge Commission) – Implementing Resiliency: Urban Services Without Borders (PDF) (video)
Jon Rosenbloom (Drake) – Funding Resiliency (video)
Panel Discussion video
Resiliency and Planning for City Growth
Moderator: Stephen Miller (University of Idaho) (video)
Tom Bergin (Blaine County Land Use & Building Services) and Tom Wuerzer (Department of Community and Regional Planning Boise State University) – Fire Resilience Policy and Planning at the Wildland-Urban Interface: Impressions from Idaho (Tom Bergin video) (Tom Wuerzer video)
Keith Hirokawa (Albany) – Planning for Scarcity: Enabling Resilient Urban Water Planning Through Eco System Services (video)
Panel Discussion video