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Physical Address:
Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn Drive

Mailing Address:
Idaho Critical Legal Studies Journal
College of Law
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321
Moscow, ID 83844-2321


Michael Conklin, Andrew Koppelman's Proposal: A Lose–Lose Solution For Religious Liberty And Gay Rights, 14 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2021).

Sidney Balman, Ensuring Black Lives Matter When the Penalty is Death, 15 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2022).

Simon Azar-Farr, The Writ of Mandamus in the Fifth Circuit  With a Focus on the Immigration Law Context, 14 the crit- Critical Stud. J. (2021)  

Hayden L. Ballard, Killing Kaibab Industries, 13 the crit- Critical Stud. J. (2020)

Volume 10 Issue 1 Fall Edition

Spring 2016 Criminal Justice Symposium
Content Included:
Molly Mitchell, Proposed Amendments to Idaho’s Statute Defining Intellectual Disability for Purposes of Death Penalty Preclusion in Light of Hall v. Florida, 10 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2017).
Pat Fackrell, The Uncertain Boundaries of Conspiracy Under the Hobbs Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1951(A): Is Proof of an Overt Act Required?  10 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2017).
Idaho Criminal Justice Reform Panel held on February 16, 2016

Volume 6 Issue 2 Summer 2013 Edition

Luis Chacon, It’s All One Tribe: One Family:” Building Community and Family to Survive and Move Beyond the U.S. Dominance Complex in Richmond, California, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2013).

Kevin Escudero, Organizing While Undocumented: The Law as a “Double Edged Sword” in the Movement to Pass the Dream Act, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2013).

Guy R. Knudsen, War is Peace: How Language Begets Power and Helps to Skirt Int’l Law in U.S. Efforts to Eradicate Colombian Coca Crops Using Chemical and Biological Agents, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2013).

Angela Mae Kupenda, May it Please the Court?: A short story,  6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2013).

Ahmad R. Smith, Tough on Crime vs. Smart on Crime: What’s the Difference?, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2013).

Volume 6 Issue 1 Winter 2012 Edition

Rainier Elias, Identity, Law, and Essentialism: What’s Love Got to Do with Same-Sex Marriage?, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Doug Litowitz, Law Porn and Its Discontents, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Robert J. Taylor, The Value of Critical Legal Studies in the Legal Education System, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Mark Goldfeder, Rights, Reservations, and Religion: Int’l Human Rights Law and the Status of Women, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Zoi Aliozi, A Critique of State Terrorism, 6 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Volume 5 Issue 2 Summer 2012 Edition

Samantha Godwin, The Potential for a Systematic Account of Social Influence on Judicial Decisions, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Daniel Hornal, Why the Demands of Formalism Will Prevent New Originalism Furthering Conservative Political Goals, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Jean Mattimoe, The Death Penalty And The Mentally Ill: A Selected & Annotated Bibliography, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Nikki Smith, Children’s Rights Nationally & Internationally During The Deportation of Their Parents or Themselves: Does The Right To Sovereignty Trump The Best Interest of The Child?, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Louis E. Wolcher, The Critical Imperative, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Volume 5 Issue 1 Spring 2012 Edition

Adam Warr, Congressional Insider Trading: Is Misappropriation Appropriate?, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

David T. Ritchie, Using John Dewey’s Pragmatism Epistemology To Teach Legal Analysis And Communication, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

F.E. Guerra-Pujol, The Problem Of Blackmail: A Critique Of Coase, And The Case For Blackmail Markets, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

M. Jos. Capkovic, Our Walls In The Information Age, 5 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2012).

Volume 4 Issue 2 Conference Edition

Angela Mae Kupenda, Academic War Strategies for Nonviolent Armies of One, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Talibah-Mawusi Smith, The Law and Educational Inequities: In Other Words, the Dilemma of Writing While Black, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

John Streamas, The Evidence of Memory and Counternarrative, 4 The crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Ann E. Tweedy, “Hostile Indian Tribes…Outlaws, Wolves…Bears…Grizzlies and Things like That?” How the Second Amendment and Supreme Court Precedent Target Tribal Self Defense, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Volume 4 Issue 2 Spring 2011 Edition

Nick J. Sciullo, Amos Lee’s “Street Corner Preacher” through Michel Foucault’s Critique of Scientific Knowledge: A Critique of Legal Knowledge, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. 1 (2011).

Jamie Grace, Privacy as Personal Resistance: Exploring Legal Narratology and the Need for a Legal Architecture for Personal Privacy Rights, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Allison M. Blackman, Manufactured Home Displacement and its Disparate Impact on Low-Income Females: A Violation of the Fair Housing Act in Boise, Idaho?, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan, Domestic Workers and Their Right to be Heard: Residential Picketing Makes Visible the Invisible, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2011).

Volume 4 Issue 2 Spring Edition 2011

Nick J. Sciullo, Amos Lee’s “Street Corner Preacher” through Michel Foucault’s Critique of Scientific Knowledge: A Critique of Legal Knowledge, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. 1 (2011).

Jamie Grace, Privacy as Personal Resistance: Exploring Legal Narratology and the Need for a Legal Architecture for Personal Privacy Rights, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. 1 (2011).

Allison M. Blackman, Manufactured Home Displacement and its Disparate Impact on Low-Income Females: A Violation of the Fair Housing Act in Boise, Idaho?, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. 1 (2011).

Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan, Domestic Workers and Their Right to be Heard: Residential Picketing Makes Visible the Invisible, 4 the crit: Critical Stud. J. 1 (2011).

Volume 3 Issue 2 Summer 2010 Edition

Kathryn L. Tucket & Christine Salmi, End-of-Life Care in Idaho: Law, Medicine, Policy and Geography, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Paul Finkelman, The First Federal Human Rights Legislation: Suppressing the African Slave Trade, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Eric Engle, A Primer of Left Legal Theory: Realism, Marxism, CLS & PoMo, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

John J. Hasko, Cattle V. Sheep: The Idaho Experience, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Megan O’Dowd, Secular Gender Essentialism: A Modern Feminist Dilemma, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Volume 3 Issue 1 Winter 2010 Edition

Charles Ellison, Extending Due Process Protections to Unadmitted Aliens within the U.S. through the Functional Approach of Boumediene, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Anthony Gray, Provocation and the Homosexual Advance Defense in Australia and the United States: Law Out of Step with Community Values, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Renee A. Pistone, Legal Realities: The Fictional Worlds Kafka Creates are Vital to Understanding our Emotions, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Eric Engle, Taking the Right Seriously: Hohfeldian Semiotics and Rights Discourse, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).

Sean Costello, When the Stars Begin to Fall, 3 the crit: Critical Stud. J. (2010).


Physical Address:
Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn Drive

Mailing Address:
Idaho Critical Legal Studies Journal
College of Law
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321
Moscow, ID 83844-2321